
2's company, 3's a party.

So for some reason, now Jimmy wants to join the blog too. can't say I'm bothered by it or that it's annoying, but i JUST FINISHED SETTING UP EVERYTHING FOR ZACH! XD

God damn bad timing, if his highness lord Bui (giggles) would had decided as such sooner i would had done all the changes at once. oh well, it's always like that.

So the avatar theme we're going with here is to have one of our female characters as a kirby enemy. in Jimmy's case he picked Shaniqua, from whom all i know is that she's black, has a nice ass, and dresses up like a Nanman. (See dynasty warriors awesomeness)

Long story short:

I can't help but to take other people's creations and molest them...

Other than that, was lonely most of the day and had time to break a few records on tf2:
- New damage record on soldier, I held that team back for like 5 mins with an engy helpin me.
- Finally was arsed to use a sniper, didn't last 10 mins though, was so boring...
- Tied with medic domination, which is pretty damn easy really...

Only other noteworthy things to mention, the last Nerfnow comic kinda shocked me, that's not the kind of stuff i expect when checking online comics and can't wait til this dumb arc is over. but the lastest Menage a 3 makes a point i never thought about.

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