
BRs: a Warcraft 3 plague.

What do i have against Brazilians is something I'm asked often.

Living in Portugal, i don't have to deal with Brazilians often, although, since in theory we speak the same language, we have more BRs then the rest of Europe. I remember having a pretty hot one in my class in high school.Also every god damn soap series on TV is in fact Brazilian. I think it's their main export or something.

Although their accent is especially hard for me to understand, and their "acting" barely qualifies as such, they don't bother me much. but what shits in my spaghetti and ruins my meal is BRs when mixed with online gaming. BRs are especially notorious in Warcraft 3, and as fate would have it, i actually like the game.

Here's what to expect when playing a game with BRs in it:

First of all u'll have a heck of a hard time getting the game started, because BRs are as patient as a man set on fire waiting to shower, so they'll join ur game, perform a strange ritual where he'll ask if there's BRs around (No other people in the world does this, but BRs will do it EVERY SINGLE TIME), then after 10 secs bitch and ask for the host to remake and instantly leave, usually causing other players to leave with them as well. How fun for me.

30 mins later when u finally get an halfassed game started, as soon as it starts you'll see something that looks like that pic. Somehow, that fucker who lost connection will always b in your team as well. It's uncanny how it always happens and it's always a BR.

Handicap aside, once u start playing, you'll b confronted with another strange behavior from the BRs ingame: they will start talking to their team, and other teams, in Brazilian. (i refuse to acknowledge that they speak Portuguese)

Such chats may range from saying your mother has questionable virtue to rampant nonsense that even i can't tell wtf is said. to the left is an example that took me a bit to figure out the first time i saw it.

The word "time" does not exist in the actual Portuguese language, and our translation of the English's "time" is "tempo". So what one would gather from that is that he's saying "dammit, time 2!" which makes no fucking sense.

But let's think about it, a BR wouldn't speak in English, so that's probably not meant to b pronounced in English but in Brazilian. in Brazilian, the sound that would make is "tee-me", and then it hit me, that idiot is trying to say "Team" but with a made up word that exists in no known language. Mind you, they do this so often that sometimes i won't understand wtf they're saying.

In that particular game, the pink BR player spent most of the time yelling at the other team, in Brazilian, for them to combine efforts to destroy my base. Team 2 had a Mexican and a Turk.

So when i decided it was time to attack team 3, pink, who had been all talk during the game, quit before i even got to this base. Again, that's something that happens a lot with BRs, at the first sign of trouble they run the fuck out.

You know it's really hard to respect cowards like that, first sign of "i may not b winning this game" they leave. Who does that? why do they even play? If u cant win a game does it mean it wont be fun? shit like this makes me consider banning the whole Brazil IP range. however, some are actually pretty decent people, even if there's less than 1% of them.

And this is how the game ended. It was horribly pathetic, they would select their hero and units, send the forth until they died. absolutely no strategy involved and they wonder why they lose. I mean if they at least saved their hero, or actually healed, but no, less than 5% life and they wont run away, they push in deeper.

I mean look at that result board, 15 hero kills, and there were only 4 heroes to kill. and their heroes weren't that weak, some are typically hard to bring down, not the case if u play like a mindless zombie though.

And although i had 4 enemies, i technically only got to defeat one.

My ally's line is in red, meaning his connection died as i mentioned. Grey means leavers, which is pretty much all expect that one dude.

If some of u try out playing Warcraft 3 online, please don't judge how fun it is based on games with BRs. It can b a very fun due to how the World Editor lets u make almost any sort of game with it and some very original maps are available, but piss ass poor players like BRs will make anything seem like shit.

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