
I am going to hate the rest of my life...

I really hate how things tend to b as bad as i imagine them to b, or just plain worse even...

this week started with work being so dull, so incredibly bad, that i felt like crying by the time i got home. then it went to just being bad, and now it's back to horrible again. so here i am again, trying to restrain tears cause I'm being oriented by someone who's a complete idiot...

i honestly don't like posting about this, but the blog is about me, and i really don't have anything else to talk about. i have shit free time and I'm too fucking depressed to do anything on the free time i do have...

currently, only 4 people should know about this blog: Jimmy, Zach, Bitten and Undies. So guys, I'm sorry for this blog entry and am sorry in advance for future emo ones.

I've been looking up something called OpenID lately, and after a vague research, i found that it's basically a "system" that is used to comment on various sites without having to log in but being identified anyway.

The way it works is that on some services, there can only 1 person with 1 screenname. for example, on AIM, there's only 1 guy called ktofpt, and that name on that service identifies that person. this is valid for services such as WordPress, AIM, Livejornal and TypePad i believe. Blogspot itself counts as such service i think.

So basically, if a site supports OpenID comments, and u have an account on any of the sites (all people i know have at least AIM) i mentioned up there, u can post on it. btw this blog itself supports OpenID comments so u can try it out if u like

well, on non-depressing notes, mmm... the guy from VGcats made a new super effective comic, nothing else new besides that...

also Zach, wtf... u said u'd log back on... =(

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