
Lil unimportant updates.

Nothing ubber interesting today. Added a lil link on the right for the wiki, which i spent like 5 hours tinkering with. (No one was on today.)

now, comic updates:

Last VGcats just wasn't funny at all to me. Sure, Leo's stupid, but bleh, doesn't mean it's funny.

I don't know what the fuck Nerfnow is doing... MM9 is not a theme i find funny right now.

And shit's slow in Menage a 3, the previous comic of them yelling over the whore's screams as she's killing her partner were funny, and ends up that Garry doesn't even like coffee was funny. I guess this one is funny too, but... meh, slow week.

Also, not safe for work, but i love this lil animation.

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