
Hip hip, cheers ol chap.

All 3 of us have the pic, and none remembered to post it.

All 3 of use as snobby brits, it's pretty spiffy. Zach doodled that like a week ago while we were toying with profile ideas.

Haven't been able to follow webcomics as much as i used to, checked Menage a 3 today, won't comment on all the comics, but i kinda liked this one in particular. It seems quite strange that those who's nights started out really bad/depressing ended up well and happy, and the whore who had a wild night seemed to feel empty and bummed.

Morning after, not much to say there except that i totally saw coming that Zii doesn't have a job. Nice peps seem to have trouble getting jobs somehow.

NerfNow did a dead space comic i think, i never played it, and neither did a lot of the people that visit the site, so it wasn't very well received. So Jo started a new TF2 arc with the pyro, sniper gal, and a shitload of useless extra snipers and 1 spy AS an enemy sniper. Games like that never end well, if a team has more than 2 snipers, it's doing it wrong, it's gonna b impossible for the pyro to do anything, i am curious how this will turn out.

Oh! and hey, VGcats updated! Truth b said, that's kinda dark, but i still found it funny.

1 comment:

  1. Lies! I did not have a copy. Though I must say vn is looking pretty sexy there...more than usual.
