
The King of Fighters

Hi folks, your friendly neighborhood Tentacle Bard here.
First, I bring you some of the sexiest sprites known to humankind, KoF12. Oh man look at those frames, I'm getting horny just looking at it.

Not shown are the following characters:
It's a real shame no Shiranui is present. Real bouncing ninja boobies will just have to wait.

For those of you who are going to bitch and whine about the game breaking continuity (It's a fighting game for goodness sake and it was already broken since KoF 94) there is: KoF 2002 Unlimited Match with its dumb Ash story arc.

UPDATE!I've noticed that the art is much better now since Hiroaki is doing it. You might recognize his art from KoF EX2, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, or Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition. While he's not Shinkiro, I do prefer his art over Nona or Falcoon any time and any day. Especially Falcoon, his ass should be fired by now.

And here is the new Kyo clone, unimaginatively named "Nameless". Seriously? Nameless? You could have called him Ultra Gay Lite Kyo or something. Well, it could be something really bad like Magaki Junior or even worst an Ash clone, but I will just call him Crappy 4.0.

1 comment:

  1. Screw ninjas! Needs more BYEW-TEE-FOOL VICTOLY, in my opinion. And Vanessa. Yes Vanessa.

    Also...screw storylines in fighting games. Just picture it this way: The two people fighting are roomates. One of them is pissed off the other one ran up the phone bill, and wants to kick their ass.
