
The reason i hate my job: the diagram.

I've decided to explain the circus that my job has been:

For the first month i was stuck in spot 1, which isn't an actual spot intended to have people in because EVERYONE bumped into me seeing as the bathroom is in the top right.

After the first month, edged crap over to move my lappy to spot 2, barely any better, and was awkward with leg room, but still, a lil better. Everyone and their gramma can see my screen though and that makes me uncomfortable even when I'm working.

Early this month the guy in spot 3 left, and i immediately asked to move there, i was finally a bit happier since while not having anything to do, i could at least not catch cold wind from the back and had much less people looking at my screen, made me a lot more comfortable.

A few days later they assigned the guy to teach me how to code. so i moved to spot 4 which is a fantastic spot and best location for the guy to teach me.

Then, this week, it all went to hell again.

The guy in workstation at spot 5 wasn't using his computer, so i got his, but instead of taking his computer and setting it up on my location (like there was on there originally), boss moved me ACROSS the guy that was supposed to help me. that's a terrible location as i found out yesterday. and note I'm the only one still using a fucked up blue chair that hurts ur ass and thighs, but that location forced me to work with my body facing to the right, cause of the leg room, but the torso facing the left, cause that's where the monitor is and it has to b there so i can turn it around to the guy that's teaching me so he can debug my stuff, which has been hard as fuck anyways.

After the whole morning in that awkward position, i put myself against the wall and used a broken chair to support my legs, thus part my weight making it less painful (all the other blue chairs are broken and we use them for foot support since we work on those very high chairs). I couldn't lead back on the chair at all cause it'd either break or fall back.

So I'm finally working somewhat comfortable while completely isolated. boss walks in, doesn't want me to have my legs on the chair, sucked, but fair enough. He later walks in and asks how's the coding. seeing as it's my first day coding, and people are just telling me to look for code and copy paste it around (and i have no idea where to get such code), and I'm getting fuckloads of errors even the veterans can't help me fix, i replied "bad" with an intended "DUH!" tone to it, i mean the first day with little help, what did he expect? he seemed to not like the reply, but at this point i was seriously depressed and really fighting back the urge to cry.

Yes, i was that depressed and uncomfortable.

A bit later he walks in again and doesn't want me to lean against the wall, and that just ticked me off, i mean, why did he move me from spot 4 then? the guy in spot 5 before me was working "ok" cause he wasn't sitting directly in front of it, he was sitting between spot 5 and 6 on his lappy.

There's no minimally comfortable way to work that way. Before i left work boss tells me tomorrow i move to spot 6 and that he wanted me more awake. that just stabbed me, i finally start to work and make an effort, a shitload of stuff depressed me a lot, but awake i have been. that fucker confuses depression with being sleepy. i barely managed to reply "ok..." and left.

I took the morning off today cause my intestines are bothering me a lil. But i feel as I'm on the end of my rope, these people are making a ERP all on M$ crap, they fuck up each others modules all the time, it's unstable and months of work barely produce anything, the language is unnecessary hard as hell, takes easily way too long to compile even on dual core computers and no one really works well with it. let alone me having to learn with little to no help. i think about quitting every single day.

I don't see this company going very far to b honest.

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