
Some SNK stuff.

So instead of actually doing some work, i was at work lookin up SNK stuff, was hoping to see KOF XII stuff, but i found out about other interesting SNK games.

They're remaking KOF 98 but with even more characters in it, such as the 96's "boss team", Kasumi Todo, Eiji, Orochi and Goenitz! am not sure what systems it'll come out besides PS2, but i thought i saw PSP and Wii being mentioned somewhere.

My big surprise though is the new Metal Slug game in full 3d! but the game mechanics completely changed as well, doesn't play like a 2d platformer with 3d graphics. Looks wise, i already hate it, but i dunno, it could turn out to b fun. Again, it'll come out of PS2. looks like I'll have to dust off ye ol console.

Chibi Fio is hawt! ^^

Note: both these games may not b recent, but they're still new to me.

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