
I am all that is man!

Or at least 79% of me is.

A lot of people thought i'd score a lot higher than that, and i scored less than them.

Lil quick mentions of webcomics worthwhile this week:
  • F@nboy$ produced a simple yet funny comic mixing team fortress 2 with left 4 dead.
  • Penny arcade, which i rarely mention, somehow made a decent comic about the new Prince of Persia i guess. "Fertile" really is a odd word to overuse in any videogame, even a hentai one...
  • Menage a 3 can, do, no, wrong. I know, i praise that comic way too much, but it totally deserves it. almost every new comic is funny and the character development is actually good.
Other webcomics like McNinja and NerfNow arent being especially intresting this week.

San: Three kingdoms comic is a comic i rarely mention to anyone because it's most funny to Dynasty warriors fans such as jimmy and myself. it has long hiatus, and is crudely drawn, but i find it really funny. it started updating again though, producing a few funny comics in a row:
  • Distrust - Kongming (aka Zhuge Liang) for some reason, both in the games and in the novel never trusted Wei Yan, this comic gives a way more valid reason for that distrust.
  • We are even - U know what, i don't even know what that's all about, but it's so god damn funny! Ok, actually it's not in the games or novel, but in the comic itself. Last time those 2 met, Kongming ruined Huang Zhong business by giving a bad credit card.

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