
Street Fighter : Dumber Hyper Turbo 4

Every once and a while I take a seat back and think that Capcom has brought us some pretty neat excellent fun games: Ghosts 'n' Goblins, Strider, Alien vs Predator, Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, Megaman 2, Onimusha, Phoenix Wright, and a bunch of others. Then I think, maybe I'm always so harsh on them because they make so many games, until I realize one thing: Capcom loves to sequel shit, and when they are not making a sequel things are porting it. And once they port the updated version they bring it back to the old system as a new game. Where was I? Oh yes, sequels and Capcom.

Let me present to you Capcom's latest brain storming money maker: Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation

Some of you probably misread it, or perhaps I did not make myself clear, so I will repeat in bold:
Street Fighter Online: Mouse Generation


If you are not aware by the title, the game will be online and controlled by the mouse. I know what you're thinking:

"How is that even possible Jimmy, a fighting game controlled by a mouse !?!"

Well I'll tell you how, when you call in the next 5 minutes, not only will I throw in the game, but I'll also give you shitty controls absolutely free! But WAIT. If you are the next 100 callers I will throw that in, plus an aweful customizer as well! That's a value of $19,234,819,048.00! However, instead of paying that amount I'm going to give it to you for a steal of a deal. Your sanity! ACT NOW.


  1. I don't see any mice anywhere! This has "scam" written all over it.

    Though it's nice to see Ryu coming to terms with his sexuality finally. He's looking FABULOUS!
