
A game idea: Daisy.

Here's an Idea I've been tinkering with for a while now.

Not that i can make a game, but I've been brewing this idea for a platform game and just fleshing it out for the heck of it.

The idea came from Nintendo's liking to making games for supporting characters, like Yoshi (Yoshi's Island), Wario (Wario Land and Wario Ware series), Luigi (Luigi's Mansion) and Peach (Super Princess Peach). So i thought it wouldn't b all that far fetched to make a game about Princess Daisy, cause really if u can make a game about Peach, u can easily make a game about Daisy.

The twist however, is that the game would have a Ghouls and Ghosts hit system. I was suprised how everyone i told this idea to knew exactly what i was going for with it.

Hit system
As u may have guessed, each time Daisy gets hit she will lose clothing, and become more and more exposed. If daisy loses all her clothes she loses and her "Lives" are instead dresses.

However, like Ghouls and Ghosts, the player would b able to pick up upgrades, such as special dresses that give Daisy special skills.

Enemies would mostly be creatures that have cartoony hands, big tongues, whips, tentacles, fire users. Pretty much anything that can undress and/or molest a girl.

What happens to Daisy when she loses is still open to discussion. Initially, i had in mind that when she ran out of clothes and became fully nude, the baddies would capture her, fondle and grope her, basically humiliating her and then kick her back to the start of the stage. That didn't make a whole lot of sense though.

A better suggestion would b that the baddies are trying to get her nude so they can take pictures of her to blackmail her. This Paparazzi idea was suggested by Grapes and works a lot better. I've also considered that she simply needs her dress to win.

Plot ideas so far, there's just a vague one i came up with:

"Daisy, tired of her tomboy reputation, decides to enter a pageant for princesses that was recently announced. However, a (generic) evil princess aims to win such contest, and decides to do so by scaring off all the other participants. She dispatches her minions to discourage all the other princesses by whatever means possible. One by one the princesses are ambushed and by one way or another they're forced to quit. Princess Daisy's escort is ambushed and disbanded as well, however, Daisy defeats the villains by herself.

Daisy can still make it to the pageant, and is determined to do so. the baddies realize they can't defeat Daisy, so decide that the best course of action is to blackmail her by undressing her and taking nude photos of her."

"Eye Candy" management
So much for plot. Another aspect to consider is that if losing/playing badly gives eye candy, players wont b motivated to try hard, as Jimmy pointed out. So to this effect, during gameplay, u would never see daisy nude, even when topless, she would cover herself with her hands. meaning she would lose the ability to use her hands for possible attacks, and not b able to dash making the game harder.

Cutscenes between levels would also suffer, eye candy wise, if the player got daisy's clothing damaged much, the cutscene would show her at a tailor behind a curtain waiting for her dress to b repaired. If the performance was good, the cutscene would show her taking a shower at a hotel and relaxing before the next stage/day.

another way to encourage the player would b by making the bosses into sexy females, and defeating them would cause them to become exposed.

Attacks and Skills
I've been considering having several outfits or dresses ingame that would give Daisy abilities to help her, perhaps basing them on the various outfits in SMB3, such as the hammer bro costume, on the Tanuki costume. The Tanuki costume in particular would b fun because of the statue form, Daisy's statue could b one of a young topless maiden such as this one, however, her pose would censor her.

Special abilities aside, Daisy would have at least 1 basic attack. Daisy is portrayed as tomboy, and as a very strong one at that. It's difficult to imagine attack for her though, Peach used an umbrella in her game and swing it as a club.

So far i can only come up with a charge (Wario like) or possibly have her carrying a suitcase around with dresses, which she'd swing like a mace at enemies, when topless, she could hold it in front of her chest.

That's all i came up with so far, comments and suggestions are welcome, if i ever run into someone with a cool platformer engine, I'd give this project a shot. Concept art by Zach.

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