
Lol, damn you valve!

As almost all TF2 players probably know, the scout update is coming soon. This is partly why i decided to not comment on it on the blog seeing as anyone remotely interested about it already knows about it.

However this one just touched me in a more personal level:

Fuck you valve! XD

I do find it funny and stuff, but this may cause people to think more than ever that Portugal is like a Spanish province! and we're not! I guess it's meant as a joke, and they might have accidentally gotten things they thought were wrong as right.

The ONLY real giveaway that the bullfighter is Spanish is the word "Buena". Everything else is valid for both Spain and Portugal: both spell "garantia" the same way and both have a bull fighting tradition (it's a lil known fact that Portugal has had and still has bullfighting) and i believe the uniforms are similar if not the same as well.

I guess they wanted to say it was made in Portugal and make it obvious the logo was Spanish, but in reality it's not as obvious as they might intended it to be. Either that or they have no fucking clue and think Portugal is a 3rd world country. XD


at the bottom of the Force-a-nature page, you can vote for which weapon u want to b unlocked first, if ur a TF2 players, PLEASE vote for the force-a-nature! pretty much the only way to make the update really fun off the bat.

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