

Oneechanbara (Oh-ney-chan-bar-ah)

Oneechanbara is one of those games that you just overlook because Japan hates the rest of the world. Originally on the Playstation 2 the game (comprised of four seperate games) can be summed up as a Dynasty Warriors game, but instead of Chinese people you are slashing away at zombies, and instead of half-naked historically inaccurate men you have a bunch of girls in sexy clothes. Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

Dynasty Warriors + Resident Evil + Dead or Alive = Oneechanbara.

The producers currently have sequels for the wii, xbox360, cellphone, and some character spin offs involving the cop Anna. To top it off they also have a horrible looking movie as well ( If you can, it might be fun to rent, but it is by no means a must buy game.

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