
Boredom + Anxiety + Nervousness.

I'm a literal wreck.

I went to the doctor last Thursday and he says i need to perform a bunch of medical exams because what's wrong with my health isn't normal, i have a possible ulcer or worse. So I've been doing blood and urine exams, and on the 25th i have to do an endoscopy, which quite frankly, scares the shit out of me.

If you're not familiar with the procedure, there's 2 kinds, the upper and lower kind, I'm doing the upper one which involves a doctor sticking in a tube with a camera at the end of it down my throat and into my stomach. They spray your mouth with an anesthetic so u don't feel too much, but it still sparks the gag reflex on most people and i hear people do vomit like 85% of the time.

It's a very unpleasant medical exam, but that's not the worse part, the worse part is that my internship ends in less than a month. I'll have to finish the modules I've been given to develop, the report for the internship (which will easily take a week) and do the presentation.

All of this stuff will happen within the next 30 days, so, I'm nervous, and scared really. I don't see how the hell i'm gonna get everything done in time. But to be honest, my health worries me more than the internship right now.

Well, anyway, i made these earlier. Might tweak them eventually: