
Atari Girls

Atari 2600 LassAtari 5200 Missy

Atari 7800 VixenAtari Jaguar Girl
From Top Left clockwise: 2600 Lass, 5200 Missy, 7800 Vixen, Jaguar Girl

The Atari Gals:
The Atari Gals are actually seasonal based: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They also all wear very similar colored clothes and they all have red hair and some kind of headband. They are not related in blood and have relations closer to that of a girl band, and as such they are bound to have drama.

2600 Lass:
Like spring, a lot of people are fond of 2600 Lass. She is considered the nicest one of the 4 girls, and is highly praised by the older aged fans as being the girl who brought them the most clean fun enjoyment.

5200 Missy:
Like summer, she's a hot tempered gal and does not get along with the Atari Gals well. While she is outwardly pretty, 5200 started off not liking any of 2600 Lass and wanted nothing to do with her or the other girls, but later in life through some help she was more acceptable or at least tolerant of the others. She is known to dislike ColecoVision and Intellivision as well.

7800 Vixen
Cool like the Fall, 7800 Vixen was everything 5200 Missy was suppose to be. However, for reasons beyond her control she was not well received as the 2600, but fared better than 5200. Using a technique she dubbed MARIA, she is able to shuffle around large pixels better than the other 8-bit girls.

Winter is a harsh season and marks the end of things. Of the Atari Gals, she was the loudest. She claimed to be the first 64-bit girl, the most buttons, and is mathematically intelligent. She tends to yell at others to "Do the Math!". However, when the Plastation 1 Lady came flaunting her body, it only damaged Jaguar's ego into depression. While lurking around in the slumps many homebrewers welcomed her, since then she has formed a good size fan group who likes helping her along.

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