
Money Troubles

Well, I'm not in a great mood. Apparently some asshat managed to hack into my Paypal account and really screw my life up. Even though I've reversed the transactions...well it really can't be that easy, can it? Now, yes, I reversed the transactions...but Paypal decided to pool all the money from them into my Paypal account and then bar me from them until I jump through their little hoops.

After doing so, it turns out I STILL have limited access, and all that hard-earned cash is effectively floating in limbo, since I can't spend or transfer it (I can, however, make more money appear in a lifeless void for no reason). I forgot to mention that Paypal "refunded" my money by WITHDRAWING IT FROM MY BANK ACCOUNT.

To make matters worse, my bank itself is utterly failing at it's job by listing all my recent transactions as withdrawals, so I have no idea what the hell is going on. I'm hoping that I'm able to resolve this soon, because it's very, very, VERY stressful to have more than $200 in a place I can't get at it...

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