
Mr. Bastard: Hell's Army 3

In Chess, the Queen, from my observations, is a very, very make-or-break piece. Likewise, the Queen Hellot is much more dangerous than her thin frame would suggest.

Where the Rook focuses mainly on defense, the Queen is much more mobile and offense oriented. At first, she lingers in the rear of the ranks(when and IF they're deployed, anyways), only to dart into the fray without warning, at which point whatever objectives the group was made to do will promptly be completed, usually.

It should be noted that Queens are blindfolded, for no real adequately explained reason. It doesn't seem to hinder them at all, as their bodies contort and react almost instantly to whatever is going on around them. They do, however, seem drawn to commotion, and it's presumed that's why they even bother sending any low-ranked units along with them; to act as fodder.

I'm not exactly sure if I like the Queen's design on a personal level, just because it resembles so many things and makes me look unoriginal(well, moreso than usual). I just wanted it to have a vaguely feminine, deceiving appearance, due to the fact that so much of a Chess game can rest on the Queen's shoulders. I think I pulled it off, but it comes off as some sort of amalgamation of the Heartless(in general), the Dancer Nobodies, Voldo(I picture them moving around like him), and more recently the Witch from Left 4 Dead...I really hate when I get ideas I think are really good and then they're skewed by my experieces...

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