
Thank god for google calendar

Honestly, i would never b able to keep up with anything, my memory's so bad nowadays.

A while ago i had the brilliant idea of writing down all important dates on Google calendar and have it notify me like a week before.

As people know, i have that weird habit of keeping track of my characters' bdays. This is because when one of those comes along, I always reflect about the character, the design, the background, etc. And as i do that, sometimes i reinvent part of it and make it more interesting.

Dandel, well, besides what i wrote on the wiki about her, not much to say really. I like her a lot because, deep down, she's like a shy pervert like a lot of us are and it's easy to relate to her, but it's just funny to see a girl in that situation for once.

If anyone wants to doodle some of her for her bday, that'd b nice, but i'm really not gonna force anyone.

Sexy Sega Sisters

Console Gals Logo

Top Left to Right: SMS Mistress, Genesis Girl
Bottom Left to Right: Saturn Sanshiko, Dreamcast Kunoichi

Sexy Sega Sisters:
Sega Corporation was around when the Great Crash of 1983 occurred. This caused many of the Sega folks to panic about the future of their console gal. However, before Sega could do anything, they were eventually bought out and became Sega Enterprises Ltd. Ever since their new owner came into play, things looked healthy for the first two Sega Sisters, but that quickly changed during the Bernie Stolar regime. While some accessories were unnecessary and may have given the girls a bad reputation (32x for the Genesis) it was not their style that doomed them, but their management. After many failures Sega decided to pull out of the Console Gal business and solely focus on the franchise aspect of it.

SMS Mistress
SMS was in fact built to be technically more skilled than NES Girl. However, being the more advance one did not equate to winning the fans over *cough* PS3 *cough*. Not surprisingly, SMS did not do to well in Japan or North America, but enjoyed a good following in other parts of the world. After a few years her hardware clothes would be further improved and she hid under the alias as Game Gear Chick. Many were not aware of her hiding as Game Gear Chick, but those who did bought the convertor which allowed fans to access her old Master System Game Cards.

Genesis Girl
Genesis Girl is pretty competitive and decided to leave a note for Nintendo's headquarters on her debut. The letter simply stated "Genesis does what Nintendon't". Nintendo was pretty cheesed and released SNES Girl 2 years later. Since then she been seen wearing a shirt that was written as:


With the two girls on the market this sealed a rivalry between the two girls and perhaps created the first true "Console Gal Fanboys". Unlike SNES Girl's clean reputation Genesis Girl is well known to love violence.

Saturn Sanshiko
Saturn Sanshiko was developed after Sega's addition of the Sega CD and 32X accessories for Genesis Girl and saw success in Japan. She was programmed to be a powerhouse in 2d pixeling and as such garnered favor from many of the 2d sponsors such as Capcom and SNK. However rumors began spreading that PS1 Lady and N64 Dame were going to be polygon skilled and in a last minute training session she was given another processor to compete. In Japan Saturn was paired up with Sanshiro Segata and caught the audience appeal. In North America though, she ended up being hated due to Bernie Stolar's prophecies of an RPG free empire. Additionally, to the shock of everyone Saturn debuted much earlier than anticipated which lead to many angry sponsors and a huge lack of launch title gaming knowledge. If there was one thing she had going, it was her super awesome second model controller which was later made availble for the PC and PS2 Lady. Despite her lack of support and poor manager decision, she has grown a strong small following of fans.

Dreamcast Kunoichi
In a last ditch effort for a Console Gal market, Sega decided to create Dreamcast Kunoichi. Initially she had a twin sister code named Black Belt and she was code named Dural (named after the Virtua Fighter boss). The twins were pretty much the same except for a slight variation in how they process information. In the end, the Dreamcast Kunoichi you know was chosen due to her training being closer to her arcade relative Naomi. Black Belt was thrown into a vault and is never heard from again; Sega and Dreamcast Kunoichi both denys her existance. Dreamcast was trained in the arts of the Katana wielding and was upgraded from her prototype training. At first Kunoichi's anticipation from fans was quite high and fared much better than PS1 Lady and N64 Dame, but upon her arrival, she was plagued with several bugs. Unlike previous Console Gals Dreamcast Kunoichi embraced the new technology of online connectivity, but being one of the first to dab into this early weapon system she encountered many problems. She became quite injured in a battle before PS2 was announced, but soon as she saw her new competition she decided to retire into the mountains.

1 week too late

The irony is i got "cloak and dagger" like 5 hours before Valve enabled milestones again. now i got a duplicate of everything. how useless...

Fuck u valve, you took out the fun out of doing ANYTHING in TF2. they should had done this from the start, I wouldn't b so damn sick of the game by now.

King of Fighters XII

SNK was nice enough to post some sprites and how they created their sprites on their website. If you are interested, they have not changed their methods at all. They pretty much take a 3d model and draw over the pixels until you get what you see in game. Anyway, I took the liberty to clean a few and animate Mature's idle stance. Man she turns me on. I'm such an orochi woman lover.

There are other ones, but I'm sure no one really likes Ash the loser.

Meet Perl

Perl is an artificial human character that i created so that PizzaCat would have someone else to hang with his character Proxy

Perl is a scrapped prototype that was designed for scouting and infiltration and not for battle. She's supposedly powered by crystals that only exist on my persona's world, which when "activated" produce energy and partially nullify gravity.

Perl was one of the very very few made using these crystals, she does not have even remotely the same strength as Proxy but instead is a stealth specialist capable of becoming fully cloaked.

Anyway, Pizzacat finally drew Perl for the first time, click on the pic to visit his blog and have a look at it.

I'm supposed to make my own variation on that doodle of Perl, a director's cut if u will, I just haven't had time.

Thoughts: Sniper vs Spy Update - Week 1

I... hate the way the game is now. TF2 has become idle/unfairness central.

Here's how my tf2 experience has been this week:
  • I've noticed a huge influx of extremely retarded players lately, granted most are noobs and just mess up on gameplay level, but i made the mistake of chatting with some people, and i was reminded why all internet communities are bad.
  • Valve's new randomizing system is so extremely badly coded, that I've seen people get around 25 items within 5mins, actually the guy had his inventory full but still kept getting items. instead of randomizing to others, it randomizes the item and gives always to the same guy.
The TF2 forum has had a few topics of people claiming they kept getting all the items in the game within a few minutes and filled up their inventory. But, seeing as the trading system isn't working, It's useless. this is the worse idea, concept, and implementation Valve ever did.

Valve response to the system obviously being broken has been none, it was obvious from day 1 it sucked, hell, anyone could had guessed it, but an entire week and not a word? I am losing so much respect for the only gaming company i did respect.

Thoughts about the new items:

First the spy:
  • The Ambassador - headshots, snipers are so fucked, all u need to know.
  • Dead Ringer - was cool, makes spies nearly invincible and sorta useful, was a huge mindfuck on people. But got nerfed real fast. Valve sure has it's priorities all fucking wrong.
And now the sniper crap:
  • The Huntsman - It's actually fun to use, hard as fuck to aim with it cause it's a relatively slow projectile, but high damage and i hit way more with it than with the rifle. Also friendly pyros can set your arrow on fire for extra dmg.
  • Jarate - It's a jar of piss, it's juvenile and funny, makes spies visible, gives mini crits AIDS, and puts out friendlies that are on fire. That's about it.
  • Razorback - incredibly pointless, especially cause of the ambassador.
So, has my opinion of the update got better after a week? No, it got worse.

Most players are forced to leave the game on and idle on a server while they sleep, this is simply the worse kind of framing I've ever head of, ever.

i give up on playing it until they fix it, i've been cranky and moody all week because of the unfairness and trying to get something good.


A lil rip from TF2

If you play TF2, u may have noticed that now there's class icons used in the leaderboard since the spy vs sniper update came out.

Well, i got them for myself cause of my obsession with all things icon like, and thought I'd post them here to share with anyone who might like them.

Also if anyone sees a nice mod for a custom set of these, please let me know, these aren't too good looking ingame or that intuitive.

Holy tuna fish sushi Batman, I'm still alive!

So my presence have been very lacking in this blog but I will be posting more regularly now. Anyway, I am now have obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development with a minor in Mathematics from my school and will be applying to a better school for a Masters degree.

The school I am attempting to apply will be in fact much more expensive and will require me to borrow from the bank. I do not want to do this at all as I hate owing money to anyone let alone the banks. However, I believe that this school will provide for me a much better experience and will in fact provide me work with me to land a job where I want it.

On a side note, when did K-ToF started using those image things? I think I will jest him with my own. HA take that!

Another note: I will be posting the rest of the Console Gals this week.

First Impressions: Punch Out Wii

Am currently farming the new weapons on TF2 by idling (yea, lets not get into that right now) so i thought I'd post my experience with the new punch out.

First of all, my past experiences with the series were playing it with a friend when i was a kid, but mostly watching him play it, at the time it seemed so hard and so... how should i put it, "limited" that i never asked him to let me borrow it because i soon realized it's one of those games u need to memorize a lot of stuff about your opponents' routine.

I played super punch out on an emulator as an adult, completely missed it when it come out for the SNES. I've never even seen it on sale ever out here. I did poorly in it, i beat the 1st circuit, and made it halfway to the 2nd one. I thought it was hard and probably required me to remember patterns again.

For the new one, I didn't watch any videos on Youtube on how to beat any of the enemies, which is prolly why i had a hard time.

Now this new game. besides career mode, I didn't mess with anything else much, although i was greatly disappointed with the lack of support for the classic wii controller right away. It's a perfect game to use it with and they just didn't.

I got up to the 3rd match in the world circuit, and here's in short what you should expect:
  • In minor circuit, dodging is purely reflex based and u can get away with always dodging all punches the same way (which varies per fighter).
  • In major circuit, u can look forward to having to watch for the opponent's punch before u dodge, u can no longer always dodge to the same side. also, and especially at the champion, not only you'll have to watch which punch is coming, you'll have to wait for it too.
  • In world circuit, see champion of the major league and increase the speed and punch types.
I have mixed feelings about this game for many reasons. I can't really say anything genuinely good about it, but i don't wanna say it's bad either.

I know that this isn't about boxing, it's about memorizing the behavior of the opponent. Which, is a weird concept really. It's a boss battle game, sort of like shadow of the colossus, except much less epic and the gameplay is extremely limited.

Besides gameplay, the game is visually awesome, very well done, sound and music are good nothing too noteworthy, what i do like and is nice to mention is that all the boxers talk in their native language, including king hippo who speaks hippo it seems. this game has more audio queues than the previous ones which is nice and adds to it.

In the end though, it's nothing more than a fancy remake. I am not sure what kind of player should pick this up, people who liked the previous games in the series might enjoy it more than i did, but other than oldschool fans, i don't think anyone would like it.

I'm a lil of both, so i'm terribly unsure. though I don't feel like playing it anymore mainly cause i don't have time.

My verdict on it is, "Sort of want". but a wee bit more towards "Do not want"

Thoughts: Sniper vs Spy Update - Day 1

This was... honestly just fucking depressing.

So i played TF2 on the new update for like, more or less 8 hours. and... It just plain sucks.

Ok the biggest problem with this update is the new "drop system". They disabled getting the weapons with the achievements, which i always thought was a great idea though, cause initially those achievements forced people to learn good habits and helped them get a hang of a class, which started to decline with the heavy update and became annoying and pointless with the scout update.

But even then, one could farm and get the weapons. However in this update...

It's 101% random, like, incredibly random. someone can start playing for the first time and as soon as he logs in, he could get the Ambassador for the spy, like that, 5 secs ingame. or, u could play for over 10 hours and not get anything, nothing at all, not even a duplicated weapon.

People on the valve forums are simply outraged how this update is bullshit cause most people have to idle on servers praying the weapon will drop.

Myself I am a later case, i have not gotten anything out of this update, not enjoyed any of it, and am growing increasingly frustrated.

The spy is by far my favorite class, i got 60 hours on him, and i was waiting for this update with huge anticipation. But i don't get to enjoy shit.

DO NOT WANT stupid ass 101% random drop system!


If anyone needs me, I'll b ingame!

P.S: the achivement descriptions are updated now.

Apathy Overdrive

Hey, sup blog? Been a while, eh?

So here I am to promote "Apathy Overdrive". It's a simple collection of adult(that means 18+ only, folks!) images of varying quality, all drawn by your's truly, me. If you're at all interested in getting this zip of 36 drawings, send a note my way or email me at , stating you'd like to do so. My Paypal is the same address, so once we've gotten business out of the way, you can send your Lincolns to me there. Hope you all enjoy it. ^^

...And don't mind Dana. She's just being hysterical. Seriously, who plays with jacks any more?


Well turns out it's a simultaneous update after all, but...

sniper vs spy page

Other than saying it was predictable, I don't feel like commenting on this one.

It'll be over soon i promise

Bare with me a lil longer, these spy updates should be done eventually.

Today's update is simple, a 100% accurate gun that does a lot of dmg, it should easily rival the sniper rifle.

The fire rate is probably slow, but this might b a good way to kill snipers now. Excluding the sniper rifle the spy now has the 2 most accurate guns in the game.

Nice detail how the scout's mom is engraved on it.

Mmm, j'accuse!

Well, "Meet the spy" was officially released, nothing surprising there. However...

I've been dying to see what was written on the board, and take a look at 2nd to last item on the 2nd row.

"Leaked video"

So was it all a publicity stunt? probably, most people suspected as much. if it wasn't, they're covering it up nicely or taking it it well.

They're even making fun of it, so it's all good.

So yea, this update features the high res version of meet the spy for steam users, and the name and icons of the spy achievements, no descriptions yet. At this point i have to assume the sniper update might be fake.

Amazingly, even though this video only brings further proof, on steam forums people still think the spy might not be french. Dumb fucking idiots never die i guess.

"Meet the Spy" leaked!

holy crap!

click pic for link

God knows how, but the "Meet the" movie in this TF2 update leaked, and what's more, it's the Spy's! and what's more, he's has porn of the scout's mom!!! Also, this puts a fucking end to all those idiots who said he wasn't french.

Easily the best "Meet the" movie so far, not only because of the spy, but because of the interaction in this video between the soldier, the heavy, the scout and the spy. They really got developed as characters in this one.

"And now he's here to F*** us!"

Hunt, hunt, hunt

He's the Huntsman
"Into action" is his cry
From the forest to the city
He will run there in a jiffy
To sock evil in the eye

I'm not racist, honest!

Pills here! and there! and there!

Hurray! Spy sappin' the lame update!

Well played Valve, well played...

I have to admit this completely changes my feelings towards this update. It is a spy update in disguise after all. The people at the tf2 forum were right, how about that?

Valve seems to be listening and toying with their fanbase, which is just plain awesome, I've never seen any other company act like this.

So, this update was hijacked by the spy, seeing the sniper dead there is already worth it for me, but what does this update bring? well, 2 watches. Yes, there's 2 new invisibility watches.

The update presents us with a catalogue where the spy orders 2 items from. Now, my first thought is, is one of those watches gonna replace his current one, OR is gonna keep his current one and get those 2 as extras. Honestly, either way is fine with me.

Brief description of the watches:
  • The "Dead Ringer" Spy Watch - If u get shot and don't die from the shot, this simulates your death by dropping a decoy and makes u invisible up to 8 secs. I assume it's auto-used.

  • The "Cloak and Watch" Spy Watch - seems to work like the normal watch, except metal doesn't seem to recharge it, it only recharges by standing still and only drains when moving.
This surprise update has the TF2 forums going crazy, crazy theories are staking up, some say the sniper update might have been staged and is actually a fake to present the spy's. some say Valve is doing 2 updates at once, etc.

Valve sure knows how to tease, doing that on a Friday, now everyone will b hyped for Monday.

Why would u do this?

I had a terrible day, like, unbelievably bad. And now this.

Why would u help snipers even more? why disable their direct counter which is the spy, Jesus...

Well i guess there goes my fun during the sniper update. Fuck...

Sniper update: day 2

Finally a good bit of news.

Dual payload, this is gonna be sweet. Why? well payload is the game type me and Zach play the most. it's way more about strategy than skill, but skill is still required to win it. This new twist on it sounds really fun, also a night level by valve sounds great.

This map was originally supposed to come out months ago during the scout update, and was delayed for some reason and was a huge letdown for me. i guess I'll get to have some fun playing during the sniper update after all.

Play some Street Fighter Youtube style!

It does not matter if you hate/like youtube and Street Fighter, the basic execution for this is pretty awesome.

Bad things always happen all at once

It came way sooner than i expected, the sniper update has already started.

A longbow. meh... it's not bad.

Most people seem pleased that it's not another rifle with minor tweaks, at least in appearance. and the idea of dead enemies pinned to walls is sorta fun.

I still have to decide if i want to bother with this update though. if i do, I'll want to farm achievements to get all weaps an play as the sniper, but, i hate snipers. Unless there's a weapon that makes the sniper fun, i might not use him at all and piss off people by going spy during the update.