
60 euros later

I went shopping:
  • 1 x 480W power supply
  • 2 x Nerwork adapter cards
But yea, barely fixed it. Oekaki and Wiki up again.

Seems that the full damage list is:
  • 1 x PCI slot (yea, just 1 specific slot)
  • Onboard Network adapter
  • 1 x Network adapter card
  • 1 x 520W power supply
Business as usual now.


  1. Oh man that sucks big time.

    Well I hope your replacement will hold out. You should invest in a surge protector. Even though a UPS is handy for blackouts they are not meant to live through electrical surges.

  2. This is the 2nd time i get a computer fucked up cause of a surge THROUGH THE MODEM. i dunno if anything can protect surges that come from network cables, but that's what i need.
