
L4D2: A reaction investigation

doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out 1 thing: most people are OUTRAGED at the idea of this game coming out so incredibly early.

I keep in mind that this could end up being a marketing strategy and that the game might end up free, however... Amazon already has the 360 and PC version for sale for 60 and 50 dollars respectively. So the hopes of this being DLC are fading fast.

i checked various places for reactions:

  • Official L4D forum - There's just general rage all over, people are really sad that the current survivors are going to b obsolete, a bunch hate how the new game looks, some like it but think it should b DLC, etc. Only people who aren't mad are rich assholes and spoiled kids. You'd have to b stupid to not b able to tell they're reselling the same shit all over with minor tweaks.
  • Official L4D2 forum - That's right, the game already has it's own forum now. this has caused problems because the enraged people kept posting in the L4D forum posts related to L4D2, and the mods kept removing or moving them. but it's pretty much the same crap. I did notice that NO ONE was willing to pay full price for this game. Again rich idiots don't count.
  • L4D mods - Ok this one is the one that i really felt sorry for. This community LOVES L4D, they spent months preparing and waiting to make campaigns and custom content for it, MONTHS people, I'm not talking days or weeks. Not only L4D's SDK came out incredibly late, 1 month ago or so, but now they announce the sequel of the game like 6 months after the original game came out? This is not how u treat fans, this is a HUGE slap on the face.

A new steam group L4D2 Boycott was born almost instantly, checked it yesterday and today, seems to b growing exponentially. I actually joined the group myself just now, i don't even know what steam groups are good for, but i do support that cause.

The more i read, the more I'm sickened by it all. while investigating, i came across "i hate mountains", It's a site for a L4D campaign, which to b honest, looks amazing, and to me way more interesting than the official ones. u can tell there was a lot of work done to it and it looks extremely promising.

Edit: oh good fucking lord, this is just enraging: Left 4 Dead 2 will last 'much longer' as a platform.


  • "Put simply, Valve wasn't entirely satisfied with the original game. Left 4 Dead 1" - Neither are we you fucking dumb cunts!

  • "A more refined game will also set the stage for a longer lifespan, with Faliszek having no qualms calling the EA-published Left 4 Dead 2 a platform, one that Valve sees "lasting for a much longer period of time" via updates and DLC." - You gotta b trolling me! that's what they said about the first game to begin with!!!

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