
Mr. Bastard: The Man, the Myth, the Legend

...Well, at least within his own self-contained universe, but I'll mope about lack of interest in original prospects some other time.

"Mr. Bastard" is the name of a notorious mass-murderer, wanted to serve an innumerable number of consequtive life sentences, which some people argue still wouldn't be enough. As fate would have it, this uncatchable killing machine is finally brought to justice when he attempts to disrupt crime lord Don Moffet's annual gang fight. He was found unconcious at the top floor of an abandoned building clutching Moffet's charred corpse several feet from a gaping hole in the wall.

Once he came to, the felon was surprisingly complient with the officers bringing him in, though he did lash out when his complete criminal record was not recited at first, revealing that he'd somehow removed his own handcuffs and smuggled in weaponry. He eventually calmed down and resumed following orders, all the while grinning like a buffoon and chuckling to himself.

However, once locked in a cell, he exhibited signs of sociopathy which he referred to as "creative differences" murdering his cell-mates, one of which seemed to have his face gnawed off...It wasn'tlong before he was officially given the red carpet on death row. But something happened...

He just...wouldn't die. After surviving the chair, lethal injection, firing squad, and being blown up(all of which seemed to proove only that he is overprotective of his hat, which had a curious bullet hole through it), he proposed making a deal that the government reluctantly agreed to.

Mr. Bastard was to serve out his sentence as a Street Cop. All he requested alongside it were the release of his old partner Octavian Takopen(who'd serve his own sentence in the same way), a little place to stay, wheels, and most importantly, a secretary. No questions asked.

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