
You best be trolling me Valve

Cause this ain't funny.

So it seems that Valve released a trailer for L4D2, and such trailer got a lot of people mad. Why? well it's simple:

Valve is known for listening to people and adding to games ever after they've been released for a long ass time. Best example is TF2, been released almost 2 years ago, and they're still adding maps, weapons, misc items and balances.

L4D is MUCH more recent, has barely any maps to begin with, feels terribly short and replay value is kinda "meh" to b honest. I paid 20 euros for TF2 and 25 for L4d, but if i had to put a price tag on them, TF2 would cost 40 and L4D would cost 10.

People are "slightly" enraged at Valve because this really shouldn't b a new game, but an addon or patch. If u look at the gameplay video, it's pretty much the same game, but WAY brighter and with melee weapons.

Seriously, a new game just for the ruined ambiance and melee weapons?

You best be trolling me valve, you seriously do. Cause after the huge "sniper vs spy" update fiasco in TF2, i don't think i'll b able to respect this company i held in such high esteem anymore.

Doesn't take too much to ruin one's reputation, This could be it.

Fucking DO NO WANT the same game all over again but in daytime Louisiana.

P.S: I think L4D2 might be actual trolling from Valve as a publicity for L4D and that this might actually be an Addon.

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