
P.E.R.L. v1.0

Finally completed my first version of Perl

Perl is a character that exists in Pizzacat's Proxy's universe.

Background story

Before growing/cloning artificial humans was perfected, scientists had a test stage where they experimented with actual people.

Perl was one of those people. she was a 14 year old homeless girl, one of many homeless people who were abducted for these experiments. Perl doesn't remember who she was before they started experimenting on her, but she was a somewhat successful experiment, in the sense she survived the operations and implants.

the scientists weren't happy with the test subjects though, cause they were still relatively fragile, they wanted more powerful and resistant soldiers. they tried to use Perl for spying and scouting instead with an experimental power source they found on a remote planet.

The military weren't impressed and rejected the entirePerl project, and so all the units were deactivated and stored in a giant freezer along with hundreds of other subjects.

Ages later, when Proxy made her escape from the facility, among the chaos, she saw Perl's stasis unit, Feeling sorry for the young girl, she took her with herself.


Perl's an infiltration and scouting unit, as such, she has great mobility and is very fast, her boots were designed to use her specific power source and reduce the effect gravity has on her.

Perl uses an early version of the nanomachines that were later used on Proxy, but Perl's has a secondary role:

Perl has the ability to cloak, the nanomachines allow her to form small hexagonal plates on her skin, sort of like scales, which allow her to change color or even let light thought her making her invisible.

Even though she was designed to scout and infiltrate, Perl is capable or attacking with a pressure spike installed in her forearms. the arm has to be perfectly straight to use the pressured attack, and the build up of pressure used to hurt Perl, that has been solved when Proxy made her arm and shoulder armor that helped her brace for the pressure/impact and disperse the pain.

Even though meant to b a superior human being, she's much weaker and fragile than Proxy.


Being taken at a very young age, and possibly the youngest test subject used in the project, Perl was very affected by the experience and made her very timid. She's very shy and looks to proxy for protection, even though Perl is technically much older than Proxy, she developed a big sis lil sis relationship with her and loves being with her.

The "trauma" from the scientific facility made her get stuck on a young mindset, her mental age is about 16-17. possibly because also her body stopped evolving/growing and is stuck at the same age.

1 comment:

  1. I really love her and the backstory as you know. You really thought this out and went so much into detail with it. You really did a great job. Love the mirror armor idea to and the pressure issues with the arm.
