
Intresting Wii stuffs

Animal crossing is the fucking devil! WEll not's just what I've been doing for the past 4 days. This is one heck of an awkwardly addicting game, Zach and me got a lil competitive about bug catching and fishing to see who could complete the museum first.

Mmm... what's new... Well while doin some research for my Wii *cough usb loader cough* i came upon this video about homebrew stuff:

First few homebrew games are like, "meh" but then starts showin some media player for the wii that can play Youtube, but then! FUCKING TYRIAN APPEARS!

Tyrian is an old space shooter game with a pretty long story, many ships u can buy in the orse of the game with many weapons u can equip and upgrade and even secret levels that could lead u to even more ships and weapons. the game could b played alone in sort of story mode, or in an arcade mode, or 2p where each player is a different kind of ship, but that both can connect to each other to form 1 and get extra power. I was and still am a huge fan of it.

Normally you require DOSbox to run it, which sucks to configure and all that crap, but as that video points out, there's a openTyrian project, that that is so worth my attention. I'll b looking into that quite soon.

The video features other misc stuff, but what caught my interest was ScummVM, i remember that from the PSP homebrews, it's an emulator for old school point and click adventures, the ones that i believe Jimmy likes.

Then u can see emulators (SNES, GBA, N64), random homebrew games and apps.

Neat stuff all around really. The Wii homebrew scene is rather interesting really.

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