
My Fair Lady

Many, many years ago(actually like 2 or three, I think. I dunno), that bastion of horrible anime dubs, 4Kids, brought stateside the Kirby of the Stars anime. It was...alright, I guess.

Being the sort of artist I am (read: the type that always ruins things shortly after learning to draw them), I'd think about drawing some of the characters from said anime, but I always put it off, for some reason. I honestly couldn't tell you why. But I'd think of doing it every now and again.

As the years went by, the anime ended, and I pretty much stopped caring about it(as per usual). However, whilst browsing the oh-so-great internets, I happened along some...questionable pictures of some of the more major female characters. I mostly ignored the content and thought back: "Huh. You know, I always thought Tiff's mom was pretty cute, and I've thought about drawing her a few times, but I never actually have." I discussed this with buddy Tof (who is a Delicious Sexy Beast, you know), and when he provoked my little... erm... confession, I tried to scrounge up a screenshot for reference.

I found this:

Considering Lady Like (oh, you and your puns, 4Kids) is a borderline amputee(and that's actually pretty normal amongst Kirby characters), it was strange seeing such a pin-uppy type work of her, especially since it's official artwork...for a kid's show...a NINTENDO kid's show.

In any case, after much prodding from Tof (I think he was just annoyed about it, since I probably initiated the "Tiff's mom was pretty cute" conversation 4-5 times), I went ahead and tried it, and ended up with this:

It's horribly off-model (but most things I draw are), but I liked it. It was fun. Of course, it didn't take me long to corrupt things, as I am easily swayed by the thoughts of my second brain, and well, I'm sure you can guess what happened.

...But I have no regrets. If I got the chance to live my life over, you can bet I'd do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

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