
Nyeh, lil djinn celebration soon

As espected, Tof's bday was vastly ignored by everyone, no big surprise, it's always the same and i dont mind that much.

"But master, I has never dun dis b4..."

But less than a week after Tof's bday, is Debbie's anniversary.

Unlike her master, Debbie has a lot of people who claim to like her, she's also the unofficial mascot of the blog until one of us actually comes up with something (which we probably wont).

I'm curious to see if anyone will doodle anything this time, if so, i'm so calling them a bunch of sexist bastards XD

Oh, btw, the doodle up there is obviously by Zach.


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  3. Happy birthday K-tof!
    May you live long and prosper!
    sorry about the deleted comments btw, this is giving me error messages >_<.
