
Thoughts about furries

There's stuff that always bothered me about the "furry" deal, some with the furries themselves, and some about the people who aren't.

The thing that bothers me about furries is what it implies, or rather what people think it implies. Jimmy's girlfriend recently had to write something about furries and by what Jimmy told me, she knew next to nothing about them, but i can imagine what she thought they were: a bunch of weird people who wear animal costumes and are into bestiality. If that wasn't it, it probably was something close to that.

That's what something who knows next to nothing about furries would think. Someone who has seen some furry art (granted depending on the art) might think that furries are freaks that are all gay/bi and into vore, pedophilia, herms, inflation, dick nipples and other weird ass fetishes.

He's wearing fur! how come that doesn't make him a furry?

I personally can't even guess where the animal costume stereotype comes from, I'd say it'd a whole other fetish really, since more than 95% (i hope) of said furries wouldn't wear one of those. As for the rest, i guess people don't understand that being a furry is just liking anthropomorphic characters, and that's it. It doesn't even have to b sexual really. People see pictures of such characters involved in the previously mentioned weird ass fetishes and associate being furry with said fetish.

Some people are into vore (god knows why), some of those aren't furries. Doesn't mean that all non furries are into vore. It's this retarded assumption that people tend to make towards furries though.

Just baffles me.

The other thing that has been annoying me is how furries themselves are so incredibly unimaginative. 80% of the time, perhaps way more, they have their anthro character runnin' around in completely normal human settings. What i mean is, they will have, for example, a highschool or college setting, the characters go to classes, eat at a cafeteria, have parties, and hang at the dorm. Everything is really normal (and boring), and the only difference is, the characters are anthros.

What's the point?

Why bother having these unique (arguable, i know) and even fantastic beings if you're gonna just have them live like normal boring humans? it almost defeats the point of using anthros for that in the first place.

They're "evolved" versions of animals, one could give them a tribal culture, different traditions and values, their own society, etc. There's potential for very original, cool and interesting stuff, and people have them do boring ass regular human stuff. That just makes furries boring and lose their appeal. Humans in fantastic adventures seem far more appealing by comparison.

Well Flurry kinda sounds like Furry, seemed relevant...

The last thing that bugs me is, if an artist draws humans, mystical beings and anthros, there's a chance (not quite sure how big, but there is and has happened) that people will just flat out label him as a furry because of the anthro art. how does that make sense? can't a guy just be an artist anymore without being labeled?

Really furries nowadays are like butts: someone people are into them and some aren't, don't try to understand why.

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