
It's Bliss day



  1. i can safely say that's the nicest comment the blog ever got. Since like, people don't really comment all that much on here and all.

  2. I bet that the reason there so little active people here is the lack of advertising.
    Now...I'm not just saying this because I want to see you post there more often, but if you would just occasionally pay a visit to the ol' deviantart or Furaffinity like praiz does ( what I mean is, upload pics there/talk to peeps, get popular enough, and then do a little bit of advertising in secret), then this place would be packing with people!
    Seriosly, the reason why I hesitate to post comments sometimes is because the comments are always to full.
    With that said, its awesome that you update this blog daily even though you don't get as much a crowd as one would like.
    I'm glad to see you haven't even considered giving up on this blog.
    You guys rock :D!

  3. Er..I meant that the comments aren't always to full. sorry :s

  4. Once in a while, either Jimmy or Zach advertise on DA or something, and on that day we get an increase of visitor, but the next days it quickly goes back to normal (which is about 20 people per day).

    Even from the people that Zach and me talk to, easily less than 5 check the blog. heck I'd b surprised if 3 did.

    I got tired of trying to figure out if the blog is uninteresting, if people are too dumb to use a RSS feed, or whatever. Advertisement only makes a 1 day spike and it's gone completely.

    I get what ur saying with the comments though, since no one ever comments, there's a lil awkward feeling to do it. personally i don't really relate to that though and again, dunno why people don't comment, i assume they have nothing to say or they're lazy.

    In the end, We're just maintaining the blog cause we like it, if someone finds out about it and likes it, all the better.

  5. I see...well I'll try my best to keep the comments section a bit more lively for ya'll.
    I'm glad you keep posting for the blogs sake :)
