

Hello folks long time no see! I am an old timer like my co-bloggers and as such, I do not change things much. Pillows are pretty damn awesome, except they have some draw backs. These days you lazy kids have them fancy temperature regulator. Back in my day if you wanted to get rid of that heat you would have to simply move or flipped the pillow over.

Regular ol' pillows.

Another thing that you young whippersnappers have now are those space age technology memory foam pillows. Granted I got some, but in my day the only memory foam you got was a nice solid rock. If it didn't fit your head, you smashed your head a bit until it fit to the rock, or you could have just find another rock. Either way you had to do move around to contour to your head.

Now and day I find that there are some weird ass pillows like this one:
That's right folks a pillow shaped like a book! WHAT? Why would you even make something like that, let alone sleep on it. If you want to sleep on a book open one up and slam the side of your face on it. I highly recommend the dictionary as it usually thicker and contain higher quality paper. And if you drool, pages H-I will absorb it.

For those of you, like me, who loves their solid rock, but need a good transition there is the boulder pillow. It looks like a smooth rock, but it is really a soft cushioning thing.
Kids jumping into a pile of fake pillow rocks.

A perfectly fine regular rock.

This next one is one I found kind of funny.
Yes that's a severed head of a horse pillow. Nothing says "Love" to your spouse or child like a decapitated horse head. I especially like the eyes and tongue. Adds to the comedy.

See you next time folks, this is Spiderman Tom Brokaw Superman Batman vnartist saying goodnight and bard on!

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