
The rape tunnel

A guy called Richard Whitehurst Is starting a new "Art" project called "The rape tunnel".

It may sound like a funny idea, but if u read this article about it, u find out how this guy is actually more of a mentally retarded psycho then an artist.

I read a bunch of it, and he tells how he participated in a few art projects before and realized that outside the group of artists and art lovers, no one really cared for what they did.

"It dawned on me that if the work we created had never existed the world would be no different than if it had."

So, because art doesn't create a huge impact on everyone, he decided that it wasn't good enough or worth doing. So he started something stupid and decided to call it an art project, which was "the punch you in the face tunnel". besides being crazy, he's not very original with names either.

Surprise buttsecks trap

So the premise there is simple, there's a tunnel, u go in it, and this crazy mofo is at the end of it and punches u in the face. needless to say, this was a terrible idea and he broke a girl's nose, made worse by the fact that she was an aspiring model and this put a complete hold on her career.

So, like any normal person, she sued him for being a total retard and ruining her life. What did the moron had to say about it?

"Her modeling career was put on hold. The civil case was long and drawn out and the matter still hasn’t been resolved. To this day she still has unpaid medical bills. The point of this long aside is that all this took place two years ago, and I’m still having an impact on this young lady’s life, something not many other artists could claim about their work."

"Work"? What "work"? He punched a girl in the face and broke her nose! that's not work, that's being a violent asshole. I'm offended in so many levels that he dares to call that an art form. Punching someone is only an art form if u're a martial artist or captain falcon, and he's neither!

So, now he wants to do the exact same project, but now it's rape. How original... I like that he's asked if it's his intention to ruin people’s lives. and he replies:

"Possibly. I’m not necessarily concerned with the positive or negative effects of this project so long as there is some effect on people’s lives."

and goes on to say:

"but the door is open for all kinds of scenarios; rape, serious injury, maybe even death. I might even get arrested."

Who the hell lists "might even get arrested" after "maybe even death"? "Oh hey, people might get killed btw, but, OMG I COULD GET ARRESTED!" Of course he should b arrested, he should b arrested right now, this guy is no artist, he just wants to mentally scar people for the hell of it.

Warning, this guy may do bad things to u for the sake of it

I can understand how art may not have a huge impact on people and it can b frustrating, but doing something terrible that has a impact on people ain't art by itself, this guy is so obsessed with leaving an impression on people he's just lost all reason. What exactly is his precious "work", the selfish need to b remembered, even if it's for something completely negative?

If u see this guy on a roof with a sniper rifle, fucking hide and call the cops.


  1. WTF is the meaning of this? What is it supposed to represent?

  2. Holy Fuckin' shit! I bet this was Hitler's reasoning
