
Web browser rant

I've been checking the blog stats lately and on it i can see what web browsers are used for viewing it, and just wanna say a couple of things to you guys.

Some of you guys use IE to view this blog, which is fine, I'm not gonna tell u anything like "Omg u use IE??? get Firefox you noobz!", however, a lot of u guys are using IE7, some of ya are even using IE6. know that anything bellow IE8 can't view this blog properly cause older versions read the CSS like Zach reads music sheets.

The vast majority uses Firefox, and personally I've grown more and more displeased with it. And I'll tell ya why:

I haven't picked up Firefox right off the bat when the "fad" for it started. For the longest time i was a MyIE user, which was really sweet and i still miss it. Only when a couple of sites stopped supporting other browsers and made it impossible to be browsed with anything but Firefox, I finally switched to Firefox. So i didn't quite switch willingly.

However, Firefox got it's rep from being light and fast, but what i see today is anything but light. When Firefox started becoming mainstream, it changed, mutated if you will, a bunch of plugins and features for it started to appear for it, and although some of it is optional, some come with it. and maybe I'm the only one, but I've often caught Firefox wasting more resources than Team Fortress 2, and quite frankly, more than any other application I've ran on my computer.

I've also noticed that sometimes it gets hiccups when playing videos from or Youtube. those led me to believe my computer was dying when actually it seems it's a flash issue with Firefox and i'm not the only one getting that.

Today i found the site of a reviewer i liked (LordKat), and while browsing for his "until we win" videos on it, i found an article he wrote about his "Firefox divorce" where he explains some issues he has with it, which i also happen to have. I gave it some thought and you know what? There really is no reason to use Firefox anymore, it's no longer the light browser it used to be.

I also think it's strange that Opera is generally always the best out of itself Firefox and IE in tests, but people still use Firefox more. Back in the day, all the smart kids used Firefox cause it was light and fast, but now to be a smart kid you'd have to use Opera. The smartest kids are the ones who used Opera all along, cause it always did very well in tests.

I don't like to change, but I'm looking for a new browser. Not really wanting to try chrome, Google is starting to scare me, i feel they're gonna dominate the world and make us all their slaves.


  1. Opera and IE do not handle CSS standards well. That is the main reason firefox is supported.


    I just tested this browser/editor out. It's pretty good and fast.


    I completely forgot about this browser as well. It is pretty much what firefox suppose to be. Additionally it does not hog as much resource as firefox.
