
Dragon RIP

Having promised to Zach that i wouldn't play The new Mario game, I've had enough time to play and beat Dragon Age.

Although it's easy to tell this game has a LOT of multiple paths, I'd say this is one of the best written games I've ever experienced. the final battle was nothing short of epic.

Oh and the [SPOILER] result of the "get Alister laid with Morrigan" quest near the end was quite... hot... [/SPOILER]

The Killing blow on the archdemon.

So yea, was it a good game? well, i guess so. Although i LOVED the story and the character were a LOT of fun, and i got my character laid, yea, pretty fucking sweet. I didn't think it was hard, and some people might think the battles are annoying, also, damn this game is long. I would had gladly skipped the battles and the dungeons and all that crap, cause, fighting isn't hard, but u have to kill hordes and hordes of assholes and it can take for fucking EVER.

Also, what's the deal with gear? do you ever get "great" gear in this game? as far as i can tell, the stuff u get depends on your level, and although u can get stuff slightly better than some other, it's all more or less the same crap, i seriously grew sick of looting and it was just pointless at one point. Just ran my way into dungeons sick of it wanting to see the next cut scenes cause that's all i was playing for.

I kind of wanna replay it, but i don't like anything except dwarven chicks, and the only alternative I'd have in that is make a high social classed one, not much point.

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