
Holy shit google!

It's official, the new version of the Google Chrome web browser aced the Acid3 web browser test (a test designed to see how accurate browsers can display sites). Up until recently, the browser that had the highest score on this test was Firefox with 93/100. As far as anyone can tell, Chrome displays all sites 100% accurately.

I gotta admit I'm very surprised that Google actually managed this. I've occasionally tried Chrome and it's pretty good, I'm still mainly using Firefox because of all the plugins, but as soon as they're such plugins on Chrome I'm switching. Another neat feature on Chrome is that When u install it, u can import all your setting and bookmarks from another browser, and now you can save your bookmarks online (gets saved in Google Docs) and access them from any computer using your Google account. Having recently reinstalled and lost my newer bookmarks, that's a feature i think I'm gonna like.

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to switch over to Chrome at least use Iron.
