

There's a lot of crap on my mind and I've been having a lot of problems as of late, but i won't bore u guys with even half of it.

The thing is i installed Windows XP 64bit version just so i could get all my RAM working (recently upgraded CPU, RAM and motherboard), the thing is, I've been having tons and tons of problems with it:
  • The tablet randomly just stops working (forcing me to reinstall the driver).
  • Skype has been malfunctioning and working just quite oddly.
  • A few programs have been just freezing and crashing (TF2, Steam, Paint shop pro 7, Firefox
So yea, this isn't working for me. i'm not sure i could fix these problems but it just seems to me that M$ just hasn't bothered making a stable OS in years. It's annoying me to death that i went through so much crap to install and customize this windows, and in the end, it feels so extremely unsupported that i might just have to ditch it and go back to XP 32bit. I'll lose some of my 4th Gb of RAM, but it's actually the only viable option.

God M$ sucks ass...

I was previously using TinyXP, if u don't know what it is, it's a customized version of XP with registry hacks and tweaks for performance while disabling the useless crap. and it was glorious. this XP 64 is just... not good... Something like TinyXP but with 64bit would b great, but i haven't seen or heard of anything like that.

So yea... Look like this year i'm gonna spend my Bday (Dec 30th) reinstalling Windows again. For the guys using the Oekaki, b extra careful til further notice. I'm gonna spend tonight trying to get this OS to run properly, if i cant, tomorrow when i wake up I'll b reinstalling.

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