
Well, you guys win

Well, I hope you're all happy. Here i thought nobody cared about the Oekaki and i could just throw it away, and you jerks just had to vote towards keeping it, giving me work and hassle! look, i even had to make new icons for the link section!

I cannot stress this enough though, this Oekaki is hosted by myself (cause most hosts are anal about nudity/porn), however, the UPS for the computer hosting it died. I strongly advise using printscreen before submitting any drawing. At least until i buy a new UPS then it should be fine. If by chance you can't submit the picture, you can email me the picture and I'll put it up on the Oekaki.

While I'm at it, I might as well link to our Wiki. Pretty empty right now and i think I'm the only one that'll be maintaining it, but I'll fill it with stuff whenever I'm in the mood.

It's more of a personal thing right now, dunno if it'll evolve into something else.

feel free to comment here on either.

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