
This year is so slow

I don't know what it is, but everything's so uneventful so far. i thought I'd let you guys know what I've been doing.

Steam had a free week for Zero Gear, it's a kart game with multiple modes that include just racing, a hard as hell tag type game, luck based maps like pachinko and sort of sport maps where you have to push a ball or puck into the enemy goal.

Zach and me tried it, and i think we both agree that game has like no concept of loading, changing maps is really really fast, and unless it's racing, you're caught off guard into the new game mode most of the time.

Truth be said, character customization is crazy fun in this game

It is fast and pretty fun though, weapons are original and it's simple to pick up and play. Zach and me played for what felt like 5 hours and damn, this game seriously took it out of me. It got boring and repetitive at the end though, so i won't be getting this game. Don't get me wrong, it's really well coded and it has interesting modes. but there can never be a replacement for mario kart wii in my heart.

A while ago i was introduced to League of legends, which was made by the guys who made DotA, and it pretty much is in fact DotA done right.

Now in the past I've said that DotA is a boring ass game that was needlessly complicated, and it is. But this game removes one of the aspects i hated: the recipes.

The character design is actually pretty toony except on earlier characters.

Actually i lie, the recipes are still in the game, but in such a way that you don't need to learn them, you can skip them and they're well sorted out now. What's more, the character you choose has a recommended item list, which is what i get most of the time so the item annoyance part is completely removed out of the equation.

Gameplay wise, they changed and perfected things quite a bit. It's subtle but although it feels like Warcraft 3, a lot has been simplified. The spells are very original for the most part and so are the heroes.

I wouldn't buy it (although you can) so i just play from time to time with bots (which is cool that they let you do). what buying the game dos is give you riot points that you can use to purchase stuff ingame, however, there's nothing you can't acquire with a "free" account, just takes longer.


For a while now i have been the ashamed owner of L4d2

Zach decided to surprise gift it to me on steam, i think he did it to torment me though.

Also, my opinion on the game hasn't changed at all, After playing through the normal campaigns once, we rarely pick it up. not much to say there that i haven't said before. I am quite pissed however that for some reason I can't set sprays in this game, so in short, it's a broken L4D1 upgrade.

I glanced over the steam forums for this and people are already complaining about this game and how the L4D development team is a joke. and if yo think about it, they always bother the TF2 team to help them finish their shit AND charge way too much for their very linear games.

Oh and all custom campaigns for this are bugged to high heaven.

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