
Squall's Dead

Spoony posted on his site about a Final fantasy 8 theory that claims that Squall may have died When he was spear'd and that the rest of the game from that point on is all in his mind.

Personally, I enjoyed the read.

"Squall's Dead" discusses the possibility of Final Fantasy VIII's storyline covertly revolving around the death of its main character early on, a theory which - so far - appears to be undiscussed on the internets. We will attempt to explain the basis of the theory, and argue why it may be true. At the end of the article we concede that there is no real "proof", merely suggestions and hints. However, we hope this analysis will add meaning to the game for all players - perhaps refreshing its value over a decade since the game's release - and inspire a discussion as it did between us.

Although I'm quite certain it's not what was intended as the plot, it is a valid interpretation of the events of the game. In fact in my opinion it's giving the game a lil too much credit because that would had been a much better plot than the intended one.

The analysis that the spear of ice would had killed Squall seems very valid seeing as Ward (or whatever Laguna's friend's name was) was wounded in battle and lost his voice because of it. The game implies there is clearly a limit to what magic can do. Otherwise anyone could live forever and the world would b overpopulated, and we clearly see it's not the case.

I mean if magic solves anything why didn't anyone revive Laguna's loved one? Aeris' death in FF7 seems way more absurd that Squall's would and everyone just accepts that one.

People can argue that all the strange stuff you see after that point in the game are normal in a final fantasy game, but that still doesn't mean that it couldn't all just be all in Squall's mind.

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