
DS emulation and WarioWare DYI

I recently looked into Nintendo DS emulation to see how that stuff is coming along cause Zach and our friend Shigoto were always playing Pokemon Soul Silver and i wanted to know what all the fuss was about.

The emulator that i used ages ago was NO$GBA, it was ok, ran the game i wanted to play at the time which was "Castlevania - Portrait of Ruin", which is fantastic btw.

Did a lil sprite rip while trying out Soul Silver, i looked for these online but no one ripped them.

Now here's what i read about recent DS games: coders have found anti-piracy techniques that cause the games to cash when played on an emulator. This may happen randomly or at preset parts of games.

Roms and emulators have to b patched to get the games to run in a stable way, lots of hassle. Clever move from Nintendo.

So i tried NO$GBA, and the thing really hasn't changed. as an emulator it always felt lacking and no improvements have been made on it. And i tried DeSmuMe, which i did try once before at a early stage, and is now a really really complete emulator.

As a note, DeSmuMe runs Pokemon Soul Silver WAY WAY better than NO$GBA, however the game still freezes too often for my taste. But who cares, I just wanted to see the game and i had my fun in it.

Here's something that got my intrest today though:

This game raised a lot of talk since it came out in japan, mostly because some artists used it to make simple yet interesting hentai games. the english version being finally out, i wonder what will happen.

The thing is, not everyone has a DS, but emulation might solve that. I kinda like the thought of being able to quickly and easily make mini games, but srly NOT on a DS. Who knows if this game might spawn small communities to start making games for it, and maybe even create tools but PC users to import/export stuff.

Sadly right now, The game won't even run on No$GBA. It runs on DeSmuMe, but it freezes after the player is asked to confirm the time of the DS. Prolly Nintendo antipiracy measures again.

If anyone hears anything about this game working on emulators let me know.


  1. WarioWare DIY works on DeSmuMe 0.9.4.
    But it can't save games made in it and you must use savestates to save your progress.
    Let's hope that someday they will fix it.

  2. oh that's strange but you're right. 0.9.4 does run the game.

    thanks for the tip.

  3. Anyone wanna give me some hentai games for D.I.Y.?
