
Suspention of sense of disbelief

So I'm sick and watching TV, and i caught "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" like maybe 10-15 mins in, Also known as Jurassic Park 2.

When people watch a movie like that, they need to suspend their sense of disbelief in order to immerse into the movie's plot and world. I've seen the first Jurassic Park, i could that for most of that movie, but the Lost World? no, i couldn't.

It wasn't the special effects, i was kinda OK with those for most of the time. In fact, most of the time i can't suspend my sense of disbelief in a movie was the reason i couldn't do it in this one: Rampant illogical stupidity.

No i'm not just bitching as usual, i want you guys to consider this.

In movies there's stupid actions, reactions and decisions that are plausibility stupid, in the case of the lost world there are a couple of situations that would fit into that, such as:
  • In a scene a T-Rex silently sneaks into a camp of around 30 people, and starts sniffing a vest inside a tent (you know... that does sound pretty fucking implausible...), Jeff Goldblum's character, Dr. Ian Malcolm, sees this, but pretty much stands still as to not alert him. the part that seems plausible is when one of the hunters/mercenaries wakes up, sees the rex on the other side of camp, and screams his head off. It's dumb as fuck, but i could see someone doing that.
  • This is the scene right after the guy screams, everyone gets up startled by the screaming idiot, and all decide to start running all over the place to look more appetizing to the T-Rex. In fact i think they all actually started running right after Dr. Ian Malcolm told them "Don't run" or "Don't move".
You would think that if u take a group of armed men in a jungle on a remote island infested with dinosaurs, you'd take well trained soldiers, if not, you'd at least teach these fuckers the basics?

But u know what, it's dumb, but i could sort of accept that it could happen, but there's limits:

- Displays of abysmal stupidity

Death by Latino Walkman
In a scene where the group takes a break in the jungle, a guy goes take a dumb, he lets know another guy where he's going, as the camera turns, we see the guy he talked to has a headset on and is listening to a Walkman. Seriously? In a jungle full of dinosaurs is when that guy thinks it's appropriate to listen to generic Hispanic greatest hits? wouldn't you want to, oh, i dunno, be aware of your surroundings so that you don't get eaten? It's not like he was in the middle of the group either, he was alone in an edge!

Oh and the guy who talked to him ended up dying cause when he called for help, the idiot obviously didn't hear.

Dr. Sarah Harding.
There's this scene that just made me facepalm. i caught the movie at the point Dr. Sarah Harding, for god knows what reason, kidnaps a T-Rex baby to treat it's leg. Why? i don't know but she's not very smart as you'll see. The baby gets some blood on her vest, They're attacked by 2 T-Rexes that push their vehicles off the cliff and our heroes survive by "not very believable" luck. Then there's this convo between Dr. Sarah Harding and some geek from the hunting group about how T-Rexes can smell blood from miles away. And they all Move out.

The next day, she walks around with the bloody vest all day, the leader of the hunting group notices blood on the leaves from brushing against Dr. Sarah Harding's vest and calls a break, and actually asks her if she's ok, and she actually says it's not her blood, it's the baby's blood. The leader of the hunting group nods and is ok with that. Let's say it wasn't even the baby's blood, is it really ever a good idea to leave a trail of blood behind u in any jungle?

"Blood? oh that's ok, it's a plot device to get more people killed."

What kills me is how surprised she is when the T-Rex sneaked in her tent in the middle of the night to smell the vest, and ONLY then she's like "OH SHIT! THE BLOOD!". This isn't like, she didn't have time to think about it, she had literally 24 hours to consider that the blood would attract the T-Rexes, She couldn't had been distracted all day, and the subject was fucking brought up! SHE BROUGHT IT UP FIRST!

At that point i was just calling bullshit on all the crap happening to them, She went to college, she has an education, she's smart. So how can she b so stupid? As you watch the movie u just know that's gonna come back to kick them in the ass, and u had like 5 mins to figure out that, she had 24 hours and it never occurred to her or anyone that knew about that.

Snake? Snake??? SNAKE!!!
This is just... ugh...

Ok, there's this scene where a few remaining guys managed to run from the T-Rex, they're hiding under a waterfall, the Rex is poking his head in barely not reaching them although he does manage to lick Dr. Sarah Harding, and a guy notices a snake that just finished slipping inside his shirt.

I'm not even gonna ask where the snake came from, let's assume that the snake was somehow hanging from the wet rock surface of the underside of the waterfall, when the guy realizes the snake got in his shirt, he immediately runs out straight towards the T-Rex's mouth. in a fucking straight line too, not panicking or turning upon himself, fucking ran out and straight into the T-Rex.

I'd scared of snakes too, but i think if i had a T-Rex in front of me, I'd b more afraid of the T-Rex.

Let's wait for it to crash into us
So later in the movie they capture a T-Rex and decide to bright it to San Diego. Just saying that makes it sound like a terrible idea. Anyway, the ship the Rex is in is not responding and heading towards the peer at really high speed. 2 things bother me with that scene, but it'll start with the stupidity.

They have the ship on the radar, they know it's coming in too fast, chances of it crashing into the fucking harbor are like 90%, and what do they do? they don't warn anyone and stare into the fog.

I'm sorry, what? that's like knowing there's a train coming out of a tunnel, knowing how far it is, and still standing in front of the fucking tunnel in disbelief until you see it come out. It's too stupid to be accepted as plausible human behavior.

I'll catch that baby T-Rex with my bare damn hands!
so by the end of the movie, Dr. Ian Malcolm and Dr. Sarah Harding are trying to lure the Rex back tot he ship using the baby as lure when Peter Ludlow, who knew about this plan (and if he didn't, honestly, anyone with half a brain would had figured it out), sees them running past his car, and goes chase after them on foot. they run to the ship's cargo bay, ditch the baby there, and jump in the water.

Peter however decides to ignore all concerns for his own life and goes try to catch a fucking baby Rex unharmed and by himself. That by itself already sounds like not a good idea but when u remember that there's an adult looking for that baby, it really seems like he didn't plan this at all.

"There's an adult T-Rex after this baby, I'm going to chase the baby so i get eaten!"

I'm surprised no one blames Dr. Sarah Harding for anything. like 75% deaths are her fault.

Aside from all the stupidity, there was a lot of stuff that just didn't seem right...

- Displays of  "how the fuck?"

Let's wait for it to crash into us - part 2 - wait, how the f...
Not stupidity related, but the other thing bothering me with that is that, even though the Rex is trapped in the cargo bay, he slaughtered the entire crew someone, which just baffles me, seeing as some of them were in places the damn Rex couldn't get in. i mean, no one survived, and he was still trapped, then, how?

Have u seen the inside of a ship lately? those narrow halls, everything made out of metal, it's not a fucking raft, there would had been places to hide from the damn thing. i want to know how the T-Rex got the cook! srly! was everyone out for a smoke at the same time by the cargo bay?

No, they're weren't all, cause we see the dismembered hand of the captain still on the wheel, so at least the captain wasn't out for a smoke, but how did the Rex get him? If his arm is still there, that means that either he saw the Rex coming for him and did not move, or it was a fucking sneak attack again. But he was inside the ship! the structure of the ship is still intact and the still trapped Rex couldn't had possibly fit though the tiny door!

It's like i passed out and missed 5 hours of movie time.

Puddle shake!
Not stupidity related either, but there's a Rex loose in the city, and somehow, no one in the city notices it, damn those things are so sneaky...

Solid Rex sneaks into a backyard looking for water, and it finds a pool, what ticked me off in this scene was how in the entire movie, a Rex far away, walking slowly does the trademark wavy impact thing on all water surfaces, be it a glass of water, a puddle, or anything like that. in this scene where the Rex is going for the pool, the pool's water does not respond at all.

It really kills it for me when the visual and sound effects don't seem to match and/or have the effect they would in real life.

Run Ian, Run!
Dr. Ian Malcolm and Dr. Sarah Harding run off with the the baby and in the scene they ditch the car, the T-Rex was awfully close, spitting range close. Yet somehow,by the next scene, they outrun it by miles and the Rex is nowhere to be seen! same Rex which in an earlier scene caught up with a moving bus.

It takes around 3 full minutes for the Rex to reach the ship after Jeff Goldblum carrying a huge baby dino did. Just how fast and fit is Goldblum?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad someone else picked up on that blood. My mind reeled the first time I saw it.
