
My 3 main issues with L4D2

This week, the L4D blog says they're gonna release the newest update: "The passing". As of now they even posted the achievements it on their blog.

I gotta say, "The passing" is a strange name for a campaign. Oh well...

From the achievements, and logic itself, I can already conclude this much though. There's been 1 big question about this, "what happens to the survivor that doesn't make it? does he become a uncommon infected?", etc.

Even without the hint on the their blog, it should had been obvious that the fallen survivor wouldn't become an infected seeing as ALL the survivors from both L4D1 and L4D2 are immune, and from the context of the game, that means they can't become common infected. The last achievement mentions a mutant though, and we can all assume that's related to what happens to the fallen survivor.

But this isn't what i'm bloggin for today. Today i'm simply gonna list my 3 biggest problems with this game, which is pretty much a rant really. So here goes:

1- Glue Zombies

This has been a problem I've had with the game since the first one, the fact that just being next to a zombie immediately stops u from moving, I get why it happens, gameplay reasons, but they do not actually grab u, they drunkenly rotate left and right while flailing u with their arms.

I see one of those fuckers doing that next to me and for some magical reason, i can't run away from that? Besides the gameplay reasons, why the fuck not? If they had zombies actually grab you and others doing the attacking, I'd so b fine with that, but the way it is feels incredibly retarded. Kills the imersion everytime.

2- Shoving sure is hard work...

Why? Why is shoving zombies several times in a row so draining and doing full wide swings or a melee weapon not? seriously, have you guys ever swing an axe like the one in the game? that thing is incredibly heavy and will drain u out quick, i could shove with it for far longer though.

They implemented the cooldown on shoving on the first game cause of vs, but it should b enabled only on vs! cause in campaign, and especially in L4D2 (cause of the melee weapons), it makes no fucking sense!

It's really not like shoving even works half the time too, I've had multiple incidents where i shoved a zombie and the fucker just stood there looking at me or even still attacking me. sometimes takes me 3 shoves just to register some sort of reaction on the damn zombie.

3- Wait, what?

The boomer bile.

I could stop there couldn't I? This thing defies any sort of explanation. The way it works is purely gameplay based with no basis on logic whatsoever.

In L4D1, i often questioned the boomer effect, and Zach had this theory that maybe boomer bile reacts with living flesh and only then it attracts a horde. I suspected that was way more thought than the L4D team put into it but agreed it could make sense.

Then L4D2 came, and Whoa... this shit stopped making sense completely. It instantly killed Zach's theory, the damn bile could work on zombies and special infected. So when a boomer vomits on them, why doesn't it trigger anything?

Heck i think that if u throw boomer bile on the fucking ground it'll distract common infected anyway. if the Bile attracts the horde so much, why don't they just rape fucking boomers on sight? so many questions!

The boomer bile is officially an abstract concept, it's effects depend on the user and the target. There's a name for that, magic! that's right, a wizard made boomer bile, that he decides how it works and when it does!

So yea, this week me, Zach and maybe Shigoto we'll b playing the passing, and imma have to put up with this game's stupid shit. I wonder if i should do reviews of campaigns again, no one ever said anything about it so i just stopped.

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