
Kickassia: Final thoughts.

So a few days ago, I posted my thoughts about the Kickassia movie TGWTG did, and now it's the end of the week and I've seen the rest of it.

Well, My opinion changed a lil about it.

The action scenes all mostly suck, my opinion hasn't changed on those. I guess there's good reasons behind that though. I watched Spoony's commentary on Kickassia and he does point out that in the scenes they run in the desert towards the house, it's a fucking rocky wasteland and rather dangerous.

Apparently, After that charge scene, a lot of people got hurt. Just after the 1st day, everyone was dead exausted. Also the entire thing was shot in 4 days.

If anything, the action scenes were just too ambitious. Also i dare say, a few of these guy maybe be a lil out of shape... I mean some of those guys can't even slap someone naturally.

After part 2, there weren't as many actions scenes, and it kind of picked up. There were funny scenes, some people acted pretty well, some really didn't.

As I've said before, i don't really like Joe all that much, but he did have a couple of good scenes, like the one on the pic i posted up, and there was one where he's giving a speech and hitting 8-bit mickey who's behind him. I knew that Brad (The cinema snob) had made some similar movie projects before (never really watched them though) but he was surprisingly good in Kickassia.

As long as the scenes didn't have toys in it, I could sort of take them seriously and almost enjoy it, some stuff just felt really stupid though... if you want an example that bothered me, there's a part where a reporter is interviewing LordKat as the minster in charge of trading, and LordKat says he's hoping to trade NES games to foreign nations and he's holding like 4 NES games. Maybe it's just me, but that was too lame to be funny.

Would i call this a good movie though? no. Would i call it good considering the time they put in it? yea totally, 4 days to make a movie that's so little time. But it's still not a good movie.

If anything though, they got a lot of bloopers out of it, and looks like they had fun doing it, so heh.

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