
"Kickassia" thoughts

As some may know, is having their 2nd anniversary and flew everyone in to make a special movie for the occasion.

His costume looks surprisingly well made, but still...

It's a 5 or 6 part thing, and so far the first 2 episodes have been posted. And i gotta say it's pretty much what I'd expect from it.

But maybe I'm not being fair, after all, I've disliked the idea of this movie even before it was done, why? well, the main reason was that pretty much all the guys i watch are on Thatguywiththeglasses now, and if everyone was flown in, that meant an entire week (or so) of nothing to watch.

So yea, you may have guessed that i don't like Kickassia. I mean i get that they wanna make something special, but this thing is just... lame, u know?

These people are all reviewers, they review videogames and movies, they're good at that, so for the special what do they do? a movie where they're all actors. I mean yea, they're doing a better job than i would at acting, but it's still hard to watch cause it's just so shameful...

Wait... is this suposed to b Spoony?

I can't get past the fact that most of what they do looks really really retarded. I really WANT to try and enjoy it, but these guys aren't actors, the story is retarded even by retarded movie standards and the action is just too shameful. FFS, we have a bunch of people in their 20s cosplaying and running around with toys.

They try to have their lil gags here and there, but all i can think is how ridiculous it all looks. I don't like angry joe so he looks normal to me in this: annoying and loud. Despite how painful it is to watch overall, some people are ok in this. Especially Spoony, he has a really hammy scene and it's pretty awesome.

What sucks even more though is that it feels like it's all we're gonna get to watch this week on all their sites. So for me, this was 2 weeks down the toilet. I'm sure a lot, if not most people, will disagree with me. But hey, it's still my opinion.


  1. The only thing I'm confused about with your opinion, or rather outright disagree with you about, is that you don't think they're actors. You realize that when they review, or at least most of them (Spoony, Nostaliga Critic among them), they are playing a character. It's an act. They're not really like that, and most of the time they are reviewing they are throwing opinions and such out there that aren't really theirs for comedic effect.

  2. Yes, that's true that they put on an act and a lot of them are in character when making a review.

    But some of them are better at it than others (doug and noah in my opinion), also, when they put on this act they know exactly what they want out of it and the motivation.

    i don't believe that makes u an actor personally, but i could b wrong. it feels more like a persona u'd use at work then anything else. or sorta like a tv host.

    But i digress, what i think the problem is, is that they're used to put on this act by themselves and know what the motivation is and the effect wanted. in this, they all had to follow a script that doug walker probably wrote by himself, So they have to act according to someone else's vision AND interact with other people and that's always harder, the motivation may not b clear and they may even b a bit out of character. then there's minor things like timing and such, that tends to not exist when u do the act by yourself.

  3. Doug probably wrote the script, but the others probably got a say in how their characters act and react to each other. Then again, I think the main problem with Kickassia is the fact that everyone is in it; this makes it hard to have proper interaction between characters without it feeling.. weak.. or, way too forced. I think an aniversary special might've done better with a smaller cast, or, like, if it had been segmented or something. Like the entire cast, but divided into smaller groups who each gets a portion of the special. Kind of like how Pulp Fiction was.

  4. I imagine that they were a lil more prepared than the first anniversary, but it's still hard to write for like 12 or more people, i'm sure people had a saying in what they did, but also didn't want to make it hard on the writting either.

    i do think having so many people in it is a problem. they mentioned after the 1st anniversary that it was hard to work in everyone with their gimmicks and have them b in character.

    personally, the interaction does feel very forced at times. the smaller groups thing, that would indeed probably b a better idea too.
