
TF2 : neat custom model

So yea, couple of things wanted to rant about first.

The new drop system is terrible, Everyone can only get from 1 to 11 items a WEEK (my average is 6), most people get all of them on Thursday which is when the limit resets and spends a week waiting for items to craft.

Why am i bitching about crafting again? because now it's not hats, it's weapons. During this new system, 1 or 2 community updates came out and there's a bunch of new weapons to b gained, and i still don't even have the fucking chocolate from the previous update!

Even though there's recipes for those items, i need the ingredients for those, and I've been waiting like 3-4 weeks for 2 fucking bonks! Also seeing as not everyone can get those items, they're most certainly banned from competitive play.

Seems backwards as to the point of the drop system was implemented for. Valve said they implemented it to get weaps out faster to players, but as we saw in the sniper vs spy update, it was a disaster and didn't work towards that at all. This new system already proves to be even worse.

Why is it so hard for Valve to sit down for 20 mins and come up with something that isn't retarded? They keep trying to make systems that attempt to prevent farming but end up fucking up everyone every time. If it's farmable then let it b farmable, it's better than no one getting shit.

I personally doubt there is such a thing as a system that isn't farmable and still satisfactory.


I sort of doubt they'll ever add this, but it's really neat looking.

There's a promo video on the site if you'd like to know how it looks ingame, it's an equalizer replacement.

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