
Tof's Twitter experience

Couple of months, ago on a whim, I decided to try out following some people on twitter to see what the big deal was. Mostly cause most people i know never used it and most aren't even sure what it does.

Twitter is nothing most than a simpler version of a RSS feed: People subscribe to it and get updates from it whenever there's one. The only difference i could see is that u can twit from your cellphone.

So here's how the experience went.

I downloaded Yoono and left it open on my 2nd monitor. Then I followed (not fond of that term) a few people:
And here's what i think of it:

Twitter is like a min blog where people send messages about whatever they want, some people make it practical and use it to announce updates on their sites and whatnot, and some people use it to let people know they're gonna take a shit.

So while the concept of twitter is ok, It ultimately falls upon the people who is it to make it useful or not. Here's what i thought of the people i "followed".

Spoony makes a very nice use of his twitter, whenever a new update is out, bang, twitter lets u know instantly. From time to time he'll link to a site or video he saw that he thinks is noteworthy, and sometimes just comments on something he saw on TV or just happened to him. His non site related twits are kept to a very tolerable level, he doesn't re-twit other people too often and doesn't annoy.

Linkara's pretty much like Spoony when it comes to twitter, with the exception that since his videos are posted on "That guy with the glasses" and the videos there are scheduled, if u follow his twits you get to see his uploaded videos before they're posted on "That guy with the glasses", which is nice.

Retsuprae and Team 4 stars don't seem to twit much at all. Retsuprae will twit when they post something, but not sure they always remember to. Team 4 starts are almost useless to follow seeing as the last time they twitted an update was 2 days after the said update had been out. There was an incident a while back and someone claimed they stole the twit account from someone else and tried to steal a site, bla bla bla, drama drama don't care.

Jason was the first person I unfollowed from twitter, cause he will twit about out of context stuff and about dumps he took. Worse use of twitter ever. Plus his "Until we win" videos are getting repetitive and boring as fuck now.

I recently unfollowed LittleKuriboh because... well. He generally makes a decent use of twitter, but re-twits other people, who i dunno and don't give a fuck about, way too often. and sometimes he'll just get bored and twit 6-7 times in a row spamming the shit out of my Yoono.

What really got to me was that he's a guest on Wha-Chow, whatever that is, which "airs" once a week (i have no idea what it is) it's something SuperPsyguy makes i guess.

Every week, Psyguy twits that the show will go live in a few hours, and LittleKuriboh re-twits it, and then twits that it'll b live in a lil less than a few hours, than re-twit psyguy saying that it'll b on soon, and then he'll twit that it's almost on, and re-twit again that the show is going live.

The pic on the right is the twits of the latest show and christ that got annoying so fast. Spoony's tiny twit in the middle of all the spam was more interesting then all the rest combined.

Do u really need to remind people several hours in advance and several times about it? jeez...

Come to think of it, i'm gonna unfollow team four stars right now cause they're retwitting LittleKuriboh, so it's like double spam.

I'm going to keep using Yoono to follow the twits i still do. I do find it useful. some people just don't know how to use it though.

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