
They Fight Crime and Demons and Stuff

One's a pin-thin thing from another world with a bad attitude and an awesome hat. One's a deceitful perverted octopus who builds explosives and stores them inside his head. One's a relatively normal voluptuous blue-skinned lady who wants to be taken seriously. They fight crime.

I've always had a slight problem with Elva's build, since it contrasts so much with everyone else around her. There's also a slight dilemma in that i want her to look sexy, and not rely too much on implied attractiveness. I think the reason it's so difficult has something to do with her height, and the more proper proportions I've been learning about only come of as average at that size, instead of the fanservicey type I'm aiming for.

Mr. Bastard I don't have a problem with, since I've started to rely on how his design defies logic as a character trait, or racial trait, I guess you'd call it. Storyline-wise he "couldn't possibly exist" according to logic. And yet he's there.

Loogie is an octopus, and about the only thing accurate about him is that he has rectangular eyes, something I did by complete accident in order to give him a blank looking default expression. Otherwise, he is in his fifties(Octopi have short lifespans), he constructs delicate explosives with no fingers, and even though I plan on having him correct the idea that octopi do NOT have tentacles anytime somebody mentions it around him, he actually DOES have them.

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