
Game makers can't do math

I can't believe this is happening again...

Is it so hard to realize that we're talking about 2 completely different currencies? How the hell are gaming companies getting away with this shit?

and it's so convenient too, like, if the euro was worth less, you can bet you soul they wouldn't just set the same number in the price, in fact if u check any other region in the world, there's a different value.

Steam also does this shit, and I'm stunned they get away with this! Still on steam, brits tend to have the games available cheaper to them even compared to the US users. what the shit?

You what's fun? i recall about a year ago someone here in portugal buying a game from canada (I think it was GTA4), paying for the shipping, and it was still WAY cheaper than buying it online or in a store.

Buying a game from a store from another continent and having it shipped over an ocean was cheaper.

Let that sink in for a moment.

My brain refuses to believe the absurdity. What's the point of online stores that just charge you way more? Aren't there laws against bullshit like this?

On a sidenote, if anyone knows of a way for me to get Starcraft 2 without having to sell a kidney for it, please let me know... God damned ridiculous..


  1. It could be possible that the said country doesn't truly know how much is worth. Remember, there are video game companies like Nintendo that has their own people in charge of that company (Nintendo of America, Nintendo of Japan, Nintendo of Europe, etc). I don't think said country does research/comparison as to how much these things are. Hell, those different countries sometimes to most have different video game covers compared to others.

    I know this 3rd party video game store where I'm at (Note I live in NYC) and their Sonic The Hedgehog Werewolf game is 59.99. The Gamestop and Best buy stores have them both for -19.99-. That's 40 dollars cheaper, man! XD

    I don't think there's a law saying their company can charge whatever they want if it's a different country. Lots of countries run differently, all the way down to price and lifestyle.

  2. It's not really hard to convert the price to another currency, takes 10 secs on Google.

    It stuns me that purposely set them higher for Europe, but it depends on the game company.

    For example, games like borderlands, do the "same number on a different currency" crap, But Valve's L4D2 is converted into euros correctly, in fact it's a few cents cheaper here. (Cause Valve still gets complaints about this but they can only change the price of their games.)

    The problem really is that the Euro is too close to the Dollar so they get away with it, if we never had joined the fucking euro thing we still wouldn't b getting robbed.

    And you know what would had been a really really easy fix? GOING BACK TO ONLY HAVE THE PRICE IN DOLLARS LIKE IT USED TO BE!

    Everyone was happy back then, everyone paid the exact same price. I honestly dunno why the fuck they changed that, oh wait, profits.
