
Teaching : Part One

I do not know if I already told you folks, but I am going to be a teacher. Today was my first day, but the students were not officially on campus today as it was a "staff meeting" day, and most teachers took the time to do last minute preparation including myself.

Since I knew I was going to be at a more affluent school this year I decided to make the most of my summer by not shaving and letting my hair grow out all sexy like. By the end it was long enough to where I could have tied a ponytail. However, recently I went to my main barber and told him I needed a short no-fuss hairstyle and cited Tom Cruise (crazy or not he still has good hair), Chris Pine, and the current Leonardo DiCaprio.

So after about 30 minutes I have this new awesome short hairstyle that I can style formally in under 5 minutes and it went well with the teacher clothes. I also finally shaved and it felt pretty weird. I decided to keep my goatee though, cause that just let people know I am the evil one.


Anyway, I will continue to post my daily survival stories. NOTE: I will not guarantee that the stories will always be funny.

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