
Can't Touch Me!

It seems that in my current funk I neglected to brag about how Viewtiful Joe got into Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. "But Zach! We've known about it since Comic-Con! It's nothing new!" you say. I know, I know. But the situation holds a special meaning to me, since, many years ago, when I played VJ1 and 2 a lot, and was in the process of drawing every major character and villain from the games, I mused about how awesome it'd be if Joe was in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Then Capcom lost the Marvel liscence, and another dream died.

...Except it didn't. Years passed. Capcom closed Clover, probably because their ambitious and unique games didn't sell as well as a cash-in Megaman game would. They ended Joe's trilogy before it could be wrapped up. I'll never know what the secret was behind the Black Film and Black V Watch. I've vehemently ticked off about this. By all means, I should boycott this game for using Joe cause I know they're just teasing me and really just rubbing it in that they still own the character. But Capcom got the Marvel licenseback, and Viewtiful Joe is in MvC3... JUST LIKE I WANTED TO HAPPEN.

Lets talk about my gripes, though. Like the gripes I have with posting, because it keeps screwing up the layout for some stupid reason. Did I ever mention how much I hate computers? They put in a button to align to center and it botches up the html and destroys two paragraphs. REALLY NOW.

Gripes. I got 'em. It's understandable, since I give a crap about the character. Capcom made his head a touch too big (it's a hell of a lot better looking than that Megaman Universe crap, though. I'm sure the fans' heads are to far up Capcom's ass to care) , and I have no idea why. He was proportioned okay in TvC. Maybe it's just an effort to draw attention to his face, which they actually bothered to animate, surprisingly (and Joe's face is usually adorned with an absolutely smug-ass grin or his tongue is flailing out. Makes me happeh) .

And the voice. I'm pissed Capcom didn't care enough to get Dee Baker to reprise the role ... Apparently they didn't even call him about it ... But I'm okay with it. It's not what I wanted, yeah, but it could be worse. At least it's in ENGLISH and it not surfer/Shaggy Tentomon. I guess I'm to the point I'm let down so often i'll take whatever I can get. Is that sad?

Oh yeah. Kinda feel bad that this post didn't contain anything I did myself. So have this kinda failed pic of Joe thrusting his pelvis at his enemies, destroying them with his awesomeness. I'm probably never gonna finish it anyways. ^^*

I need to go find more stuff to rant about that I'm excited for and everyone I associate with hates with an intense fiery passion or could care less about. It's fun being the odd man out all the time. :)

1 comment:

  1. I still think it's awesome you got TWO of your three characters officially announced (one of the two is Felicia). I'm STILL waiting on my blue bomber to appear. =/

    'You take what you get?' YOU SOUND JUST LIKE WEEGEE. Only you're less fail and more artistic. :p
