
Minecraft and Pokemans

I had no idea and i was just told about it, but Minecraft's server had a few issues so the creator decided to make it free for the weekend or until he fixed it. Played it with a friend for about an hour. There might still b a day left for people to try it if you're interested.

Also you might have heard that Pokemon white n' black's rom leaked, was patched to remove piracy protection and people are enjoying the crap out of it already.

2 of the pokemans i didn't violently hate.

Sites like received a "cease and desist" from nintendo to remove the images of the pokemons from the new game that they had up, which makes no fucking sense cause the game is out in japan isn't it? i dunno what's the reasoning being that.

As serebii twitted: hit by Nintendo Cease & Desist Letter. All Black & White Images had to be removed for more

Anyway, if anyone's intrested, here's the new pokemon list:

I tried the new game, and have mixed feelings about it. something feels really gloomy about it, hard to explain. In general i dislike a lot of the new Pokemon designs, I tend to prefer the older ones still.

I find it funny that some people think that they're smarter than others and bring out the "nostalgia factor" as the main reason a lot of people prefer the older Pokemon as if no one else would realize that. Saying the new designs are still good, but nostalgia entirely influences our opinions.

There IS a nostalgia factor, but that's because there was a reason to, some of the earlier designs were really neat. A lot of the new designs are fucking horrible and either look like mechs or digimons. I could b wrong, but i was told that the people involve in the newer designs aren't the same.

Does nostalgia account for that too smartasses?

When i saw the Pokemon that wears a motherfucking karate Gi i almost threw the controller away. There's a fucking pigeon in the list for fuck's sake, it looks just like a regular pigeon, i can't get over it.


Clean list of all pokemons including new ones, but no number or names:

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