
Teaching: Part Three

Children in the United States all have to go through the embarrassing day known as School Photo Day.While parents think it's all cute and great, the real reason they do it is because they want to torture them for shits and giggle. That's right we torture the poor souls because it is funny. Parents are not the only ones responsible for making this horrendous day bad. It's also people who believe that all staff members should take a picture when you clearly do not want to.

Yes I will put up with doing one or two photos with my grade level and with the children because when they look back in their yearbook I want them to see me and say "Oh yea I remember him, he was a cool teacher, I learned a lot from him."

Wishful thinking right?

Anyway, one of the students I see around the school use to have normal looking hair. Surprisingly on the day of the photo, the mother of this child thought that he should have a Mohawk. And not only is her child sporting a Mohawk, she decided it would be "cool" if his hair was a nice forest green color too. Poor kid.

His story was not the only bad one that day. We had children who wore clothes that I just could help but laugh hard on the inside. I really wanted to just bust out laugh at their outfits, but as a teacher I had to show a neutral face. And if you have ever tried to hide your laugh before, you know it's very difficult. It's hard being a teacher when funny shit happens.


  1. That green-haired Mohawk will someday become the U.S. President.

  2. I had a mohawk once. It was a personal choice. A bad one. People tried to start crap with me because of it. And being a nerd with a tough guy look is not a good thing...

    I'd keep an eye on this kid if I were you.

    ...actually, I probably wouldn't. It'd suck if everyone knew I got beaten up by a bunch of ankle biters.
